chapter three

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"No, no, no, no," I said to Ella as I walked out of the airport and saw a lot of people: fans and reporters, ready to meet the contestants. "I can't do it" I whispered.

She stood in front of me and looked me deep in the eyes. "Hey, I know that you can do it." She smiled gently "you're the bravest and selfless person that I know. If not you, then who can do it?" A tear had slipped out of my eye and she had quickly wiped it.

"Thanks" I breathed and put a smile on my face.

"That's the spirit!" she cheered me up and smiled wildly. "Don't let Alec bring you down ok?" she asked and I nodded in response. "You're here thanks to yourself and it'll always be this way, and if something happens – I'm here for you," she said in a serious tone. I hugged her tightly and we went out.

"Coraline, here!" "Coraline, I love you!" "Can you give us a short interview!?" Voices have surrounded me, so I took a deep breath and calmed down. I came down to the group of girls with placards about my organisation which help abuse victims.

"Hi girls!" I smiled and waved a little and they squealed and one of them started to cry. "Hey, is everything okay?" I've asked worriedly. She has just nodded and calmed herself down.

"I just wanted to say how much you mean to me, and how much YNL mean to me" tears slipped from her eyes and I took wipes out of my bag and offered them to the girl.

"Hey, I'm very glad" I smiled. I loved You're Not Alone. That was my idea. I thought that after I couldn't help myself and I was always too afraid to stand up against my father the best thing I can do is to help other people. And it really was a great idea. Statistics say that YNL helps about ten thousand people every year and the numbers are still growing!

"Are you ok, Coraline?" I've heard a girl's voice.

"Yup," I smiled "must have zoned out"

"No worries," she said happily "it happens to me all the times" her friends laughed "I just really want to thank you" she repeated.

"No, I thank you, that you're still fighting," I told her "I know that it can be hard, but we have to go forward, we can't give up" I smiled and the girl was crying again. I said goodbye to the girls as I've heard Alec calling me to the car. I've turned out rapidly and bumped into someone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going at all" I started babbling and apologising to the person. After I got no response I looked up and saw him. "Oh" I blurted and I wanted to say something else, to greet him, but I heard Alec next to me.

"Are we going babe?" he said in an annoyed voice. I saw Damiano raising his eyebrow at the name he had called me, but he hasn't said anything.

"Yeah, I'm coming" I answered and slowly walked after Alec giving the brunette one more look, then the car doors were closed.

~MOON~ Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now