chapter six

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Just wanted to say that this chapter is an emotional rollercoaster. Sorry, not sorry. The next chapter will be an epilogue.


"Line!" of course he was following me, stupid Ella, stupid me. Why have I done this? Well, I'd like to know, maybe I could prevent this race from happening. "Cora wait!" I moved faster, but unfortunately, he did the same.

"I am not talking with you," I told him still not stopping. I can't do it. For him. Coraline, you can do this. Think about puppies. Puppies are cute. Just as he is. Shit.

"Coraline!" I stopped. I knew that he was standing just behind my back. "What is happening? Or maybe a better question would be what had happened in Italy?" he gently touched my shoulder and I flinched, so he took his hand immediately. "Is everything okay?" he asked calmly and I was fighting my tears. Nothing was okay. Of course. I knew it.

"I want to go," I said turning to look at him. I could see hurt in his eyes. I hated myself for doing this. I never wanted to hurt him, but I have already started it. I can as well finish it. "I really don't want to talk with you." I said and his face got more serious.

"You don't mean it" he shook his head and wanted to take my hand, but I took a step back. "Coraline, tell me the truth" he looked genuinely sad.

"What do you want to know?" I spatted. He was still looking at me, not saying a word. "You want to know what happened in Italy?" I was already screaming, he nodded. "I felt sick and left. That's it. This is the whole story."

"Then why haven't you told me anything?!" he was screaming too "I've called you so many times and you've never answered! We had something!" I saw tears in his eyes and all I wanted to do was to wipe those tears away. To hug him. To kiss him. Again.

"No, there was nothing," I said in a serious tone, but he could hear that my voice was shaking. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes. "Can I go now?" I've asked quietly and headed back down the corridor. The doors opened and I saw Alec.

"Coraline, what are you doing? Has he done anything to you?" he looked at Damiano with anger.

"No, he did nothing, it was all my fault" I defended him. The doors were about to close when I hear a scream.

"Coraline grow up!" I turned around and saw that he was standing in the same place where I left him. "Why do you still care what the asshole has to say?!" he was crying. I was crying too.

I told Coraline that she can grow up. Take all her things and leave.

"There was nothing," I said confidently "And you have just made a stupid song, ok?! I'm okay" and I left him. Oh, how I hated myself for that.


I was crying. I felt so hopeless. I felt terrible. How could I have done something like that? Who had I become? I looked up at the moon. It was smiling at me so I smiled back.

~MOON~ Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now