Chapter 23

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I finished all my finalssss!! I'm so happy and now summer has only started.
Thank you so much for waiting and now here you go. Enjoy the rest of the story.


My eyes opened and I found myself in my room at the Institute, my head slightly throbbed, but fortunately there was no blood. I would surely have a concussion, but nothing dangerous. I raised my upper body to lean on the headboard and looked around. I almost screamed when I saw Alec's body on a chair in the corner of my room. I took a gulp from the water bottle that was on my nightstand. I stood up from my bed and crouched next to Alec. I started shaking him softly.

"Hey, Alec, wake up." He opened his eyes.

"You're awake." He said groggily.

I smiled and nodded." And not injured. What happened there?" I asked innocently. I wasn't sure how he was going to take the fact that I was involved.

"We were ambushed, by vampires, wolves and..." He was hesitant, I nodded for him to continue."Jace and Clary were there too, they took Meliorn. I had to fight with my parabatai." He frowned.

I stood up and turned my back on him.
"I'm going to be honest, I'm glad they saved him."

"I don't know how to feel, I can't say the same for myself, Jace and I got in an argument."

"You always do, it's going to be fine." He stood up and I took his hand.

"No it's not, we got to a fight. All of this because of Clary, she's been rui..."

"Hey, don't finish it, Clary's my best friend and I'm getting sick of you talking crap about her." I angrily said.

"She's been ruining my life." He finished, left and closed the door behind him with a big thud. We kept getting in fights, and it was really taking a toll on me. I dropped my body on my bed, took a pillow and let out a scream of frustration.


After my shower I walked to the monitors room. Alec was looking at the monitors and Izzy on an iPad. I walked towards her but Lydia and Raj beat me to it.

"Isabelle Lightwood, by order of the Clave, you are under arrest for high treason." Lydia announced.

"What?" I made my presence known.

"On what grounds?" Alec asked.

"Only a handful of people knew about the Meliorn op."

"And everyone knows she's sleeping with him." Raj backed up, Izzy just chuckled.

"Shut up Raj." I glared at him and stood next to Izzy taking her hand in mine.

"You know what, Lydia? You're not better than Valentine. But at least he had the guts to tell Downworlders to their faces he wanted them all dead. You... hide behind the Law." Izzy said

"I don't hide behind it, Isabelle. I simply follow it. Because it guards against one very important thing, Shadowhunters fighting other Shadowhunters." Lydia defended.

"If she is convicted, she'll be stripped of her runes and banished." Alec looked at Lydia seriously while Izzy gave her stele to Raj." I can't let that..."

"Don't." She cut her brother."It's not your fight." She started walking away with Raj.

"Wait..." They stopped and Lydia looked at me." I... I..." I took a breather and looked at Izzy who shook her head.

"I helped her. I read your mind and found out the location of the transfer." I confessed avoiding Alec's stare.

"Is it true?" Lydia looked at Izzy.

"No she didn't, the wolves helped me trace you. She's lying, she just wants to help me." Izzy said in the most neutral way. She stood in front of me" I appreciate what you're doing, I really do, but you don't have to lie." She smiled slightly but looked at Lydia dead in the eyes.

"But" I protested.

"Stop lying , you could get in serious trouble." Lydia warned looking at me suspiciously then walked away with Raj and Izzy.

Alec took my wrist and dragged me into the hallways.

"Where are you taking me?" I said trying to get my arm back but he only tightened his grip.

"You know I have rights and you're really starting to piss me off."

He stopped and looked at me anger in his beautiful features. I noticed we were in front of our rooms, I was going to open mine when he opened his and pushed me inside.

"Hey, what are..."

"Shut up." He suddenly said and I looked at him in disbelief.

"You have no right to order me to shut up." I pointed my index finger on his chest.

He pushed my hand away.

"Are you crazy? What is going through your mind? Confessing was the best idea you got ."

"Hey I was just trying to help your sister, the one your fiancé arrested. " I pointed out." You said it yourself she could be banished from the Shadow World." I looked at him in disbelief.

"And you could lose your memories or get killed." I widened my eyes, I hadn't thought about the consequences.

"Jace and Izzy are already considered criminals, I don't need you to become one. You lied to me, right in my face."

"I never lied, I just didn't tell you. You are so blind for revenge and restoring your family name, you don't even understand what you're doing."

"Oh come on not you too." Alec groaned.

"Yes me too, because it's true. First you think that your own parents are traitors, then you get engaged to a complete stranger you don't even love" At that an angry tear slipped from my eye."and you almost got Meliorn killed, you could've started a war." I wiped the tear away he's mouth opened and closed multiple times not knowing what to say.

"I'm getting tired of us fighting all the time, Alexander." I admitted."I want us to go back like we were before, smiling and joking, even in the worst moments." I walked to him and put my hand in his cheek, he just looked at me in pain and left.

I left to the library to do some reading and calm myself. The Institute had many libraries, but my favourite was in the second floor. It had a glass wall, and you could see everyone in the monitors room and in the training room where I kind of exploded. I was looking for a book about the Shadow World laws, when a figure in the room downstairs catched my eye.

Dressed in all black with his hair matching, I recognised, Alec with his long strides. I was going back to searching, but I didn't when I saw him enter the training room where Lydia was punching a bag. I observed them, but of course couldn't hear anything. Shadowhunters were lucky and had it easy, they had a rune for everything. He approached her and I would lie if I said I didn't get slightly jealous. But it didn't last long when they got the tile with the familiar rune.

He traced the rune and the wire shelf came out of the floor. He was surely searching for the Mortal Cup, the only problem was that Jace had took it with him. While leaving the training room, like he felt my stare, he looked up, I froze,  I hid and texted Jace and Clary updating them about everything that happened since the ambush.

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