Chapter 3

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Me and Alec had been walking for a few minutes and non of us tried to talk. I could feel the connection but I didn't know if he did. I tried reading his mind, but I couldn't which surprised me. Since I had those powers, I could read everyone but he was the only exeption.

"So how's being a Shadowhunter, huh?"I asked at first I thought he would ignore me.

"I like it but sometimes it's dificult" he responded "Plus I'm the head of the Institute, which means that I have to supervise everyone here."

"Must be tiring" I said, it looked like it, not only he has to care for the people in his team but the whole Institute.

"It is but when you love to do it, it's nice."

"Cool" was the only thing I could say. I mentally facepalmed myself.

We didn't say anything more till we arrived at the training room. It had a gothic theme like the outside of the church.

We started to place the targets. And after we went to where the arms were kept.

"I'm the only person here who uses a bow as his weapon of choice" He stated.

"Well I can say that you have great taste." I smiled.

" That means that there is only one, so do you want go first?"

"No, I want to see the specialist in archery.Plus you sure you want me to use your bow, I don't let anyone take mine , I'd killed them after.Wait a minute." I gasped." Were you going to give me this one so you can have a motive to kill me?" I said jockingly.

"Ha Ha Ha, that is so funny Emilia" he says with sarcasm but I loved how he had said my name.

"Hey everyone else would've laughed" I spoke.

He started to throw some arrow at the targets. And I had a nice view, I could see his muscles buldge at the mouvement, but he only scored 8, 9, 10 but never hit the bulleye.

"I don't know why I can never touch the bulleye." He turned to face me annoyed "Any advide?" He asked.

I went to stand in front of him. I put my hand in one of his biceps and the other one in his stomach I could feel the muscles tense under my touch.

I looked up at him because of the diference in height and he did the same, looking down to see my face.

"May I?" He just nodded and I started arranging his position.

"You're position is just too perfect, you need to relax. Try now" I said when I finished.

He looked at the target then threw an arrow right in the bullseye.

He smiled, I put my hand in the air and we high fived.

"Your turn now " He told me and gave me the arrow while smiling.

I begin throwing the arrows hitting once in a while the bullseye. I looked at him and saw how he wanted to talk but didn't.

"Go ahead, ask the questions"

"How are you so good at this?"

"It helps me control the my powers. The first time I tried I was instable, I mean the energy. I was 9, I was really sad and angry, my parents had just died, I had powers that destruyed most things I touched and everyone at the orphanage thought I was a freak." I stopped to look at him, he was alredy staring at me.

" There was this assistant, she was the only one who wasn't scarred of me. She took my hand and led me to the archery spot and showed me how to do it. Now I'm an archery trainer too. I will never forget that day or her, it really helps to calm me."

" Jace said you read his mom before, so what am I thinking about? What are your powers?" The arrow I throwed landed on the pillar of the arch.

"Eh" I scratched my hair " I can't read your mind, frankly you're the first person who I can't read, it's like you have a mental wall." I said walkig towards him and sitting next to him.

"Oh... Is something wrong with me? Should I get a medical revision ?"he asked

"No, no, not at all" I said trying to reasure him. "My powers are neurology interfacing, telekinesis and mental manipulation" He looked at me completely confused. "I'm just weird."

"No you're not, ok, next question, what are you?...I mean why do you have those powers?"

I gulped, I never told anyone what happened, it was hard and a touchy subject.

"Um, I don't know, It just happened"

"Nothing happens just like that" he said wanting anwers." But you're not forced to tell me anything you alredy answerd a lot of my questions."

"No, I have to tell someone. Ok just don't tell anyone, not even Clary knows...and I would like that she learns what happened from me. Um....ok so here we go, I don't remember a lot of when I was a child. I'm half spanish, I mean it's easy to guess with my name and all."   He looked at me intensely without  interrupting.

" So I remember my mom worked at the Embasy of the United States in Spain. Me and my dad wanted to make her a surprise so we went to pick her up and then went to dinner. Everything seemed normal on our way back home. I remember that we lived in the oustskirts of the city." He took my hand in sign of support somehow knowing the next part wasn't that pleasent.

"We were in the car, my dad driving while me and my mom talked, then suddenly out of nowhere some big animal stood before us, so my dad tried to go on the side to not hurt him but our car swerved because of the snow. One moment we were fine, the othe our car was upside down and we were injured and covered in blood." A tear fall from my eye.

" I recall hearing howling in the distance. I had turned my head to see paws, and when I had turned back to call for my parent they weren't in there seat, they were being dragged by those animals.  One of them tried to grab me, it did scratch my belly but it couldn't reach me." I say touching the part were the claw mark was before it healed.

"I started hearing police sirens, that made them run in the other way while dragging my parents. Next thing I know I wake up in the hospital, with the news showing pictures of my parents and telling that there had been an animal attack. They found my dead parents bodies in the woods. It was a nightmare..." He hugged me without letting me finish and I hugged him back crying.

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