Dear Lord pt.2 [Goodbye, I'm sorry]

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(Read the Author's Note)


If The Doctor is the Lonely God, does that imply that Time Lords in general can be considered gods?

I didn't think so, but one can never quite be sure.

On Gallifrey the gods were called the Menti Celesti, though when Rasilon came to power and the Gallifreyan empire fell, religion disappeared rather fast. Great leaders became the closest thing to god after that. Like Rassilon, Omega, and The Other. Swearing often included imaginative fates befalling them, and any time during or soon after war, saying one of the names at all was considered profanity.

Koyoko and Sindi don't know all that much about Gallifrey, but all of the other Time Lords do.

They remember their Gods.

Deltilah Ganon, that's what she went by. Deltilah Ganon, who had just been across the street from an exploding building and watched in horror as not only did a little boy stare at it and get hurt, but a woman who obviously wasn't his mother crawled to cover him as the last of the explosion happened, where the heaviest debris fell.

Seeing their pain seemed to physically wound her.

Deltilah was unable to run over to help until the dust settled, but once it was safe enough she sprinted over as fast as her legs would take her, determined to help the small group of people.

Only one of them was conscious, and it appeared to be an orange and grey feline.

"Hello?" Deltilah asked cautiously, and the feline looked blankly at her for a long moment, before seemingly morphing into a humanoid before her very eyes

"Hello?" The woman spoke, and Deltilah couldn't help but notice that her clothes looked like the fur of the cat and her voice was almost exactly what she had imagined the cat's voice would be, had it the ability to speak

"Are you alright? I mean, I can see you're not," Deltilah motioned at the woman and her friends, all heavily cut up, "But is there a way I could help you?"

"M-my son, my son, I must find him, and my friends, and we have to get to the TARDIS medbay" The woman spoke frantically

"Your son?"

"Everyone, we have to get them to the TARDIS, I am the Pilot, I'm supposed to keep them all safe-" The woman was now attempting to haul up and wake the people, and picked up two other felines, looking more and more panicked at their injuries

"Calm down miss, you must calm down, let me help you" Deltilah told her, moving to her side.

"Koyoko" The woman said, trying to move people.
AN: I am sorry to tell you this guys, but this story is being cut off here. The Vet has been further developed over the past year, and is a wholly different person that I like to use only for roleplays. She's less sueish that way, too. Luckily- or maybe not, I've reread this story and it is not my best- I've decided I will sorta keep it going, but not in the capacity you'd home for, and I really am sorry. This one has just gotten left behind... The Survivors of Gallifrey is what the next one will be called. All the same characters and probably more, hopefully better writing skills, but not as major. So maybe look forward to that. I'm a little sad because I know this was going somewhere, I've just forgotten, and no matter how hard I try it won't come back to me....

But this was great. I loved it. It helped me get a grasp of my writing potential, and I'm a more confident person because of it. As I was opening it up to type this, I say that it has 7.1k reads. Excuse my language but that's fucking phenomenal, and I want you all to know how grateful I am for every single read, even if this story is abandoned. I'll never stop writing, so maybe you'll get to see similar things from me in the future, but I will never forget this. My first real story, it seems soooo old. And the majority of it is at long last being put to rest, and I'm sorry. I just have no further to go. I can only write things while I have the words, and now

the words have run out.

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