Dear Lord pt.1

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A/N I had a Christmas chapter but it sucked and when I tried to fix it I broke it beyond repair. But I had an idea or two and decided to get my arse in gear, also thanks to kathleenruhlpeek because you commented a lot and it made my phone remind me I had a story to be working on. :p

"We've landed on Takkaken in its 700th year since civilised establishment." Cardinal smiled as he read off the screen where the random coordinates they'd selected had taken them.

"Takkaken? As in, TekTakTuk?" The Storm asked from her place by the corridor

"Yes, this is where the company started" The Vet confirmed from where she was seated in the jump seat with two cats and a sortof kitten in her lap

"I'm sorry, what?" The one baffled human asked, having not been given a proper Gallifreyan universal education

"They're robotic guard dogs, and companions. Though the earth creature they most resemble is an anteater..." The Storm explained

"The company TekTakTuk is relatively new in this time period." Cardinal added helpfully

"Right, nevermind, I'm sorry I asked, let's just go check it out. Where's Sindi?" Noelle asked

"Wait for meeeee!" The young Time Lady called running past The Storm, pursued quickly by The Photographer.

"Headcount, who all're coming?" The Vet requested, and everyone raised their hands except for the three cats, though Mico and Koyoko looked at her. "Sisi?"

"No" The female cat meowed indignantly

"Suit yourself. So, two kids, one cat, and four adult Time Lords. Seven. Seven of us are leaving this ship and seven of us will enter it again before we leave." Koyoko jumped to the floor and shifted back to his humanoid form, lifting Mico who was almost as big as himself. The Vet stood up and Sisi indignantly readjusted herself on the purple jumpseat alone.

"I'll lead" The Photograper offered

"Really?" Cardinal asked her, and everyone gave her a surprised look. The Photographer wasn't really the leading type, far too shy.

"Yes. And... Well I've been thinking a lot about it and I... I did break every single one of the promises to my title. So stop calling me that and stop thinking it so loudly!" This she said more to The Storm then anyone else, then she looked down, "I wanna go by my academy nickname again. Munu Delta."

"Okay" Koyoko said almost immediately when no one else even tried to speak

"Nice to meet you, Aunt Delta" Sindi added, smiling.

And with that, there was a general murmur of understanding from everyone except Mico and Noelle, who just nodded along and followed the Gallifreyans out when they massed behind the newly un-renamed Munu Delta.


The first thing that I noticed upon exiting the ship was how metallic the whole place was.

The grass seemed to resemble copper wire, and the sky was a silvery shade of cobalt, the nearby trees looked boxy and seemed to shine, and the little stream twisting through said trees suspiciously resembled mercury in every way except planet of origin. There were no clouds in the sky, and the air seemed overly clear, the scent of metal coins permeating the area.

And, as per usual, I was the only one who seemed shocked by this in any way.

"Follow the leader!" Sindi called in her cheery way, herding everyone into a line an taking her place directly behind The Photographer- no, it's Munu now.

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