Why take love serious?

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The way we look at society determines what we see. It is not the people, events or situations outside of ourselves that are the cause of the welfare and happiness that we experience. Our quality of life is a direct consequence of the way in which we look at the world from within us.

First of all, love is for me our natural state of being. Love is what we are. 100% perfection. Perfect union. It is the Self we share, uniting us with on another, and with our Source. From this prespective, words are not enough. Pretty much everything and everyone in our society underlines precisely the reverse of our sacred potential. We humans would only be weak, miserable and sinful. We steal , kill and live life to the max. Our greed and desires paint the world black and grey. In the world of today it is regarded as extremely naive and unscientific to allude to our divine nature, which is love in its highest representation, as the true nature of man. However, I believe that there is much opportunity to make progress for man and society by discovering this truth of who we are.

Imagine yourself secretly falling in love with a person you have never met , never seen , never heard his voice , never felt his touch and never made contact with. It feels like you know him so well , it like you have known him your whole life. Your brain immediately trigers you to fall back and let him go protecting you from heartbreak and something that its hard to happen. And your heart screaming from inside " Yeah i know its stupid but i like the way you dont give a damn you seem like someone i could pick a fight with and dance all night with. Im into you . Even tho you have got an attitude baby im in love. Feels like i know you so well. You could be everything .That i been missing . Im comming out of my shell and i never do that . How do you do that? Its like i known you my whole life." 

Well i guess that was true. 

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