The Clock Tower

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A/N: Warning of Violent and disturbing content.

2nd September 1991

3:00 Pm, Kim Household

Little Kookie woke up from his afternoon nap, his appa's shawls warmth engulfing him, he looked around but found him nowhere. He carefully made his way downstairs looking for his parents when he saw his nanny placing his lunch on the dinner table, she looked at him and smiled calling him out to eat his lunch, Come  Kookie your lunch is ready.

She helped Jungkook sit on his chair and began platin his food when Jungkook asked Mia where is appa and daddy?

Your parents have gone out for some work kookie, they will be back in a few hours don't worry, Mia gently patted his head as she made her way back to the kitchen.

Jungkook quietly finished his food and was about to go back to his room when the ringing of the telephone stopped him, he made his way towards the family room to answer the call, Hey Jin it is me ken, the said person spoke on the other line.

Samchon it's me Jungkook.

Oh kookie, hi baby belated happy birthday to you, sorry I couldn't make it to the party yesterday but I hope you enjoyed it, did you receive the gift I sent for you?

Yes, Samchon and I loved the gift, thank you so much.

Always baby, where is your appa? He and Namjoon were supposed to come over to my place today, have they left?

Yes, they did,

Oh, they must be on their way then, okay kookie you take care and be a good boy, Samchon will come to meet you soon, bye baby.

Bye Samchon, as Jungkook kept the phone down and eery feeling clouded his heart he looked towards the clock 3:07, the time read and from the corner of his vision, he could see all the fishes in their fish tank were dead.

Jungkook was terrified, his little legs made their way towards the fish tank but on his way, he bumped into the coffee table dropping the glass vase which was his appa's favorite, as the beautiful vase shattered into tiny pieces jin's words rang in his ears "Kookie glass breaking is an inauspicious sign, it means something bad is about to happen".

Jungkook screamed for mia who came running into the room, seeing glass shattered on the wooden floor at first, she thought Jungkook had hurt himself when she saw him screaming and crying and began checking him for injuries Kookie are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? She frantically asked.

F-fishy, f-fishy, Mia the fishies died, Jungkook broke into a fresh wail of tears as he clung onto mia his face pushed into her chest.

She gently patted his back as she consoled him Don't worry baby, appa and daddy will get new fishies for you, it's okay maybe the fishy was sick, please don't cry, Mia calmed him down while wiping his snotty face.

While fear clouded Jungkook's little heart, miles away his parents were on their way to Ken's house, silently making their way to meet Jin's cousin.

Both disturbed by last night's event, awkward silence in the car when finally, Jin decided to speak, why don't you give me a divorce Namjoon? Shouldn't we end this at once rather than slowly destroying ourselves daily? I know you don't want either me or Jungkook in your life, you would be better off without us, I think Jackson would make you happier, I have seen you share your worries with him and talk to him about us, just give me a divorce if I bother you so much, Jungkook doesn't deserve this and neither do I.

Namjoon was startled on hearing Jin, he couldn't believe his husband had been misapprehending their relationship to such an extent, Jin? How could you even think of something like this! Why would I want to divorce you? I love you and Jungkook, you both are my family, my world! How can you expect me to do such a thing, Jackson has been my friend since my college days and even you are aware of how close friends, we both have been? Still, you are talking about divorce! what shall I do to convince you that I love you, Namjoon had raised his voice by now.

I don't know!!! Jin screamed I am sick and tired of these daily fights, I am tired of it Joonie, I can't take it anymore, where did we lose our love in these years, ever since Jungkook is born and during my pregnancy your behavior changed, did you ever think how much that hurt me, all I wanted was your affection and love but you were different.

You do know right how hard I was working for our company; it wasn't just us now Jin, we had our baby on the way, I had to work hard for him and for you so that he would never have to face the situations we did as children, I was stressed and tired, I did take care of you, give you affection but did you realize how hard it was for me to manage everything being the sole breadwinner and the family.

Jin was astounded on hearing Namjoon as tears filled his eyes, sole breadwinner? Joonie, you told me to leave my job after we got married! you said you wanted me to be happy, our struggling days are over now, we wouldn't have to look back, I remember telling you I don't mind working because it made me feel happy but you insisted that you wanted me to relax now and not stress about work and finances. How could you say this!!

I didn't mean it that way love, listen to me-

No, you listen to me, I am done, this will never work out we don't have any respect left for each other nor do we have any love, it's better if we break it off instead of creating a false façade of a happy family for this world and kookie.

Jin listen to me- even before Namjoon could complete his sentence Jin shrieked and nudged him to look in front, in their argument Namjoon forgot to pay attention while driving and the car in front of them took a sudden halt resulting in Namjoon fumbling with the brakes as he pressed them immediately, their car collided with the other and flew high before overturning completely, it crashed on the ground with a loud thud, with all the glasses shattering and the car breaking down.

Covered in blood, dirt, and grease Namjoon slowly opened his eyes and looked to his side to see Jin had left him already, his brown eyes had lost their light as he blankly stared at Namjoon, his mouth slightly parted with blood gushing out of it, the impact had resulted in killing Jin immediately and Namjoon screamed, he cupped Jin's plump cheeks in his palms as he cried incessantly, Jin, baby, please don't leave me, please, Baby you can't die like this!! What about me? What about Kookie? He needs us, don't leave me Jin.

He tried to break free from his seatbelt but was unable to do so since it had got jammed, the honking of a truck made him look towards the noise and he saw a speeding truck approach them and he realized there was no way out of this, he slowly caressed Jin's face and gave a soft peck on his plump lips saying the words he wanted to say to Jin which he couldn't, I love you Seokjin and he engulfed him into a hug shielding his body from the oncoming impact, as the truck collided with the car resulting in it bursting into flames, ending the life of the couple as the clock struck to the timing of 4:13 Pm.

A/N: I am extremely sorry for this but things will get better trust me.

I love you.

Stay safe :) 

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