Way Back Home

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Jungkook's POV

"All the memories come back but he never does"

It has been a month since I was back from Paris and I could not get over the fact that I had met daddy for real. Was this really fate's doing to have me stumble upon my father, I was contemplating all these events that had to occur in the past few days when my mind drifted off to the thoughts of appa, if daddy is re-incarnated then appa must be too, that means he must be here as well.

My heart tells me he is here maybe I can find him, what are the odds that amongst so many places in this world Daddy was re-incarnated In Seoul itself, perhaps it will be the same for appa, I just pray I cross paths with him until then I will give my best in finding him in places which he loved in his past life.

After my parents' death I looked at the world with a different light, nothing mattered to me anymore as a child I concentrated on studying and working hard to be able to take over my dad's company once I grew up and when that time came, I dedicated myself to the company, I had nothing to go back home to, no parents, no lover, no family, no friends. Jimin Hyung was the only one who was probably the only person in this world that was closest to a family member for me.

But today after years I felt as if a light had seeped in through the crevices of my darkened heart, I wanted to live again with my parents be able to share with them all my achievements, everything that I wanted to share with them all those years they weren't close by.

I am sure appa is here too and I know it in my heart I will find him too.

Third Person POV

Jungkook drove around the streets of Seoul, visited malls, cafes, bakeries, musical shops, and everything that his appa was fond of in the hopes of coming across him in one of his favorite places but it was all in vain until one day while waiting at the signal of the same clock tower that had snatched his parents away from him- he found his appa right next to him.

He was sure it was his appa, he had the same plump lips and the bread cheeks his dad fondly called them, he was talking to himself probably ranting about how hot it was that day, his ears had turned red and Jungkook distinctly remembered summer annoyed his appa he hated going out for chores in the afternoon. He had the soft pout on his face which he always did whenever he was annoyed and Jungkook had tears streaming down his face it was his appa right next to him if only he could ask him to get off the scooter he was on and sit in his car but alas! He couldn't do that.

The signal was green now and Jungkook followed his appa and he realized it was the only place he had not visited which was one of his appa's favorite places to be in-the bookstore, he remembered going book shopping with his appa, that was his favorite thing to do at times even his dad would join them and it would be a blissful day for them.

Jungkook lost his appa in the sea of people and decided to look around standing in a corner holding a book in his hand when he felt a soft pat on his shoulder and he turned around to his appa standing before him, smiling at him.

Hey! Have we met before? he asked.

Jungkook's POV

Hey! Have we met before? he asked.

I was stunned, I could not believe it, appa?? He was standing in front of me asking me if we had met before? I had to calm myself down before I ended up doing something stupid in excitement.

Umh, I, we, I, I don't –

Have we? I don't know why but I feel we have met before, I don't know but I just feel it, I have this gut feeling that we know each other.

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