See You Again

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30 Years Later

Jungkook's POV

"No matter how much I say I love you, I will always love you more than that my kookie"

Appa's words ring in my ears as I lay awake staring at the ceiling, sleep is a luxury I don't have indulgence to, I lost mine years ago to be precise 2nd September 1991 at 4:13 Pm. I was too young to realize what had occurred all I could remember was uncle Ken rushing inside the house with bloodshot eyes, his tear-stained cheeks looking at me with so much grief and sympathy almost instantly engulfing me in his arms trying his best to tell me how my world had turned upside down.

The initial days of my grief were torturous I remember asking uncle ken where did Daddy and appa go, was I a bad child? did I do some mischief that they abandoned me and went away but as I grew older, I realized I lost my world at a very tender age? The school was the most dreadful place on this earth I despised seeing parents dropping their kids at school because that would remind me of my appa, our ice-cream, and park dates after school, Parent-teacher meetings reminded me of daddy who would make it a point to attend every single one and cheer me up for all my achievements. Uncle Ken and aunt Gyeong-ree gave me all the love they could, I love them too but I can't give them the place of my parents. How I wish they were here today to see my success, the music label that my Daddy had begun was now a multimillion-dollar music company enlisted as one of the top ten in the world. But all these achievements are down to dust if my parents aren't here to witness them.

The ringing of the alarm clock broke my reverie as I began to get ready for my flight to Paris, I was attending the shoot for a new boy group that was making their debut under our label, and being a part of the music production, I felt it will be highly motivating for them if I am there supporting them while they shoot for their first music album.

The ringing of my phone halted me in my steps towards the bathroom, I picked it up to see my secretary and best friend Park Jimin, Hello-

Yah! Jungkook you up? Did you even sleep for a minute? Do you despise your life so much? You need rest Kook-ah, the intense workout you do every day along with attending meetings and on-site work for the music production, are you a man or a machine? Why the fuck don't you sleep? Even sleeping pills have failed you, he huffed annoyed.

Hyung calm down, I am fine and I will sleep on board don't worry.

You better or else I am punching you in the face to knock you off to sleep,

Oh really? You think you can, I jested.

Shut up and get ready I will be there in an hour, Hyung spoke disconnecting the call.

I looked towards the wedding picture frame of my parents the one I absolutely adored, I miss you guys more than words, I wish one day I can see you again just for a bit, I wouldn't want anything more than that, a single tear dribbled down my cheeks, I may be the strong and stoic Kim Jungkook for the world, a man with everything at his foot just with a snap of a finger but what people fail to realize it at times what others consider a complete life for someone might be an incomplete one for the said person.

I just wish I could meet my parents again even for a bit.

Third Person's POV

Jungkook was on board the flight to Paris unaware of what fate had unfolded for him, as soon as he got on board, he fell asleep maybe it was the exhaustion of days or God's way of waking him up to a surprise but he was unaware of the passenger on the next seat, a dreamy young man with his dimpled smile sitting casually and penning down lyrics.

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