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Thnq everyone once again for liking my story :) :*

Chapter 3 THE BAD BREAK UP :'(

It was like someone throw me back to earth when I was in heaven......

That feeling was making me go weak very weak.....

My breathe hitched seeing them.... eyes were ready to flow but I have to control myself

Randhir.... I called him and they stopped their make out

Seeing me there or witnessing their steamy encounter doesnt seem to effect them much...

Randhir have a I M SO COOL expression on his face while that hoe was smirking victoriously to me as if she got what she wont....

Oh.. hey sanyukta. ... you are still here???? "Randhir asked me in his all time still attitude as if nothing happened few seconds ago....

Its girls washroom. ... I glared him but he was unaffected by that

Why you always have to intrupt in my matters sanyukta? He gritted his teeths....

Your matter???? Since when ee are separate randhir.... you and me were always we so why this sudden change? I asked him in my hurt voice at least he can guage then that I want explanation

Dont start here sanyukta, I m in very good mood rightnow don't spoil it" saying they both jerk me aside n left the loo leaving me all devastated. ....

I am spoiling his mood???? How could he be do mean and jerk at the same time?

And lastly the dam broke...

I cried... cried my heart out that I don't even remember how many hours I spent in crying for him!!!!!

Finally the call from my mom broke my trance

"Hello sanyu.... where are you my child? its 10:30 at night are you slright??" She was sounding so much worried for me....

I am so mean just for him I forget my other responsibilities

"I am at college mom... there is some work about dream team just leaving in 10 minutes. .. I will be home safe and sound" I assured her gulping my tears... and hung up

I came out to get any taxi or something but I know taxi at this time in delhi is not safe but who care for me.. ofcrse my maa do..

I kept on waiting for taxi for more than 10 minutes but no ride arrived and I decided to walk when I feel a tap on my shoulder. ....

I you ask me that whether I got scared or not then yes I got scared even I thought that it must be last day of my virginty but as I turned I litrally sighed n hugged the person  tightly....

Thnkgod sahil u came... u don't know how much I was scared....." I chipped with tears..

Sahil my bestest bestiee.. my budddy my smile my support after ma...

Yes he is my big support throughout my life as we are neighbours and classmated...

Even randhir didn't support me like him actually randhir had never supported me....

Chill.. I know what you must be thinking...that I m some sort of rapist ..right???" He asked as he knows me very well he actually know what must be I could think in any situation

Stop it now n plzz drop me home.. maa is waiting... I insisted though his gaze was telling me that he guage my indifferent behaviour

We rode in silence and he dropped me there.... I started going to my home when he called me

"Yeah sahil tell me.." I smiled actually tried to

"Take your time to make up whatever you are trying to but dont forget I m always for you no matter what the situation is" he squeezed my shoulder n I smiled m hugged him

"I m so lucky to have you sahil" I smiled loking at him n bid a good night to him.....

Thnx to all waiting for your comments and suggestions :* :)

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