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Hey guys... srry for late I was little ill.... hope u guys won't mind it. :)

Enjoy reading.


Seeing sanyukta turning her head toward him... Randhir hurriedly closed her eyes pretending to be in painful sleep.

Sanyukta who was feeling bad came and sat beside him and touched her head, wrist n neck to check on temperature.  He was indeed burning.

She feel bad lightly caressed her face and kissed his forehead much to his surprise.

So she cares... Randhir smiled inwardly feeling ecstatic. After all its sanyukta her sanyu who was kissing her.

Pretending to be disturbed by her presence he slowly opened his eyes.

"Sanyukta you are here?" He acted innocent lightly moaning as if he just realised she came.

"Renuka aunty called me. .... u plzz lay back m coming with cold water ok" she said

Once she was out of his sight he jumped. Here goes his plan... yayyy.

Soon sanyukta came back but frowned seeing him arranging his room...trying to arrange his room.

"Randhir what are you doing? Come back here I will do everything u just take rest ok" she commanded  but randhir being a perfect actor denied but later enjoyed seeing her arranging his room.

Perfect wife... he thought smilingly.

"Why are you smiling? " sanyukta asked seeing her smiling pleasantly.

"I m just thinking that I dont have to be worried about my anything after our marriage" he smiled again.

"What?? Marriage?? Our marriage, ?" She was shocked .

She stride towrads him angrily and asked "what are you exactly saying?"

She was just...just thinking marriage is..... how could he think she will gonna marry him.

WTH!!!! She can't speak much.

"C'mmon sanyukta its bound to be... we know you belong to me" he said smirking.

She was not ready for all this it was sosoon.

"Shut up n rest m nt going to marry u" sanyukta said still irritated of him.

He smiled and closed his eyes meanwhile sanyukta arranged his room and kept on changing the cloth on his forehead.

He was enjoying her care for him.

"Sanyukta m hungry" he demanded

"Ok m getting some" she said and dashed in kitchen

Well here is some peace fr her.
While stirring the soup she was just thinking.... will she going to marry randhir only???
After wat he done???
He cheated on her n still she is with him.

But heart of hers was aware about randhir's genuine effort to get her back...that he realised her love.

So are they really gonna be wedded couple??? She thought and blushed.

She came back to him and help him to sit on bed but to his bad luck the onion which was helping him in getting fevered slipped from his undersrm and caught sanyukta's attention.

She looked at randhir then to onion and giv him a narrow eye look.

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