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Randhir and sanyukta were still in hospital as the injury were still healing they were at bed rest and doctors strictly prohibited them from going home.

Well secretly it was randhir's plan to take care of sanyukta which was sensed by sanyukta and her mom.

Sanyukta frowned a little but eventually her heart smiled at cute and caring gesture while her mom sense something more than just caring for a stranger.

Renuka came to see both of them in period of their week bed rest. She sensed how much her son change from a boy to man.

She never saw him this serious for any girl. Even when randhir was dating sanyukta he was never bothered but now things are changing his behaviour for her..his craving for her love make him change alot

Inaudibly she thanked god for sending girl like sanyukta in her son's life and talked a little with anju too who was equally happy seeing so caring randhir.

On the other hand Sanyukta never missed to cime to his room to check on him once in a day. Though her leg started feeling good she prefer to walk on her own. As usual she enterd his room while he was taking a nap.

Nurse was checking on him and his reports and all set to tell doctor about his recovery and discharge just when nurse started to take exit sanyukta bumbed to her and her foot hit the bed leg..she screamed which was enough to wake randhir.

"I am so sorry ma'm" nurse said picking her up and she made her sit on randhir's bed. He saw the greenish colour in her leg and bursted on nurse for not seeing properly and hurting her.

After apologising nurse sprayed on her leg and exited

"You... is it that important to come over here...cant you just take care of yourself.... see what you have done now.. you know how much it hurts?" Randhir scolded sanyukta the hurt in his voice was telling that though sanyukta is injured it hurts him. He was so much tensed and worried

"Dare you step from bed now" he threatened her but his voice was like a child complaining to his mother for someone hurt him.

Sanyukta was not saying anything just pouting hearing him scolding and lowerd her lashes.

"You saved me from death..cant I come to see you only" she demanded.

His heart soften at her tone and he calmed his voice and said.

"You hurted yourself again" he complained.

Both were so much feeling light seeing eachother's concern.

In no time randhir lifted her and started heading towards her room.

"Randhir what are you doing? Put me me down" she struggled

"I am not" he said

"You too need rest randhir...just put me down...what will people think" she said eyeing the humans in corridor.

"Oh sanyukta I m loosing grip" Randhir panicked and she loop her arm around his neck and place her head in his crook more.

"They will think how cute they are romancing in this condition too..." he smirked and sanyukta made a face when she realised he did that drama of loosing grio just to let her hold him tight.

hey everyone,  sorry again late na? But not that late ok...
So can I ask you about story...I mean I am taking it as short story but should I take till their love confession or a little more???
Your views are welcome :)

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