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So peeps... I m back ... yayyyyyy!!!!!!

Ok so I know you guys had waited so many days so wanted me to giv you guys some great update.. na?
That's why I m here.... lol....
So here I begin



WHAT THE HELL..... I groaned as I take a sip of my evening coffee....

I usually like espresso to have in evening as its auroma and strength makes me feel fresh and energetic but today even espresso failed to make me feel good.

I throw the cup in frustration and groaned loudly.

What happened in the college. ... how sanyukta broke up with me!!!! All these makes me frustrated more...

"Everything alright sir?" My my butlee.. chaffauner or assitant whatever you say..kabir came hearing the chucking of cup.

I literally bursted on him

"You are not needed here" asi fumed he sensed it and left the place instantly....

How could you? How could you sanyukta? I loved you and you left me for your so called best friend sahil!!!!

My mind and heart were fuming and to add the fuel in my anger that bloody ishika is calling me...

I chucked my phone on floor and take out another I phone and dialled parth's no.

Parth... my best friend my biggest support and son of my father's best friend Mr. Kashyap... who is recently in Europe enjoying holidays with her latest girlfriend vidushi. .....

Hey parth. ... I said

So bro.. finally got time from your girlfriend. ... he teased me

I want your help parth... I demanded

Is everything okay?  He sounded tensed for me and why not he is my best friend. .. rather my organ..

He knows me more than I do.

Sanyukta broke up with me! I said blankly

So what? U always said that she is your time pass... parth plainly said

Ofcrse!!! What is wrong with me?

I didnt love her.. so why the hell I said I lived her?

Why I am this affected?

Why I said that she is mine??




Our convo got intruppted by knock..

N I cut the call...

I opened the door and kabir was their

"Sir renuka mam is calling you" he said and I nodded

After getting ready coz I was in mess I came to mom who was sitting on couch sipping her green tea.

Mom... I called her

She turned and placed her mug on table and come near me...

Ohh!!! Its being long time with you. ... she said lovingly

Of course it was really long time. ..

She was usually onher trips which I am used of and understand coz she has given me my space and invested her enough time when I needed

We chit chatted for sometime and felt good that finally she is here.

Next day when I came to college I saw her in canteen with her ear buds on...

It was strange of her coz she dont like to listen music from ear buds...

I was constantly watching her and when she looked up she smiled at me...

Like seriously sanyukta aggrawal smiked at me..

Her ex bf ....

That was something! !!!!

After sometimes when she got unaffected by my presence then I realised she is playing with my feelings. .emotions. ... affecting me again.... frustrating me all this

Ok sanyukta aggrawal if you want this than let the game begin. ... I I thought to myself and pledged

Short one right??? So sorry for this guys... well we have many things to see on this story. ... must be you guys enjoyed little and yes here begin their game of love but what love taught her.... n whom help her..
Or what love taught him? ??
Yet to know right?
So wait for me... n do comment plzz
Love u all :*

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