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Randhir placed sanyukta back to her hospital bed with a charming smile on his lios and sanyukta having a fake scowl on her face... actually she was having a ballon face on the fact that randhir make  fool of her.

"Aise koi buddhu banata he..I hate you" she smacked on his stomach

"Ouch!!! But I toh love you na" he smiled and blushed which make even sanyukta blushed.

"Be ready tomorrow I am picking up you and then we will go together" he whispered in her ear... she closed her eyes tightly when his breath kissed her ear and a sensation run in her veins. Suddenly she gasped as randhir stole a kiss from back of her ear and left a beetroot behind her.

In the evening after all the formalities they got discharged. Randhir was so much worried for sanyukta so he insisted that he will come and take care of her while both their mother guage the spark between them and an unheard nod for something was an instant answer from both renuka and anju.

Next day sanyukta was getting ready with her weak leg. She remind randhir saying that he will pick her up for where ever she will go....

But now she thinks that he forget that.

But here in shekhawat mansion randhir was tried almost every dress but he was so nervous to take sanyukta with him. Renuka was witnessing his antics and smiled.

Randhir hurriedly took his bike keys.  He was cladded in blue V neck tee and black jeans looking superbly edible.

Sanyukta thought he won't come and started to leave but as soon as she stepped out of her house randhir was ready with his bike to fetch her.

"Ahh..hii" he waved his hand awkwardly as if they are meeting for first time.

"Hii" sanyukta too shyly answered she tugged few strand behind her ear and sat on his bike. He started the bike but she  intruppted him

"Where is your helmet? " she asked him... randhir looked away 'cause he deliberately left it.

"Wo I forget that.. u sit na we are getting late" he dismissed her query and she sat making no contact with his body.

He pouted inside seeing her like this but he knows he had to make it up to her so far to make her fall again for him and to build that love and trust too.

He was slow first bit start to take rough path where road was filled with pits he increased the speed and bike kept on having jerks.

Sanyukta was trying hard not to touch his tempting hot body but the JERKS were not letting her to resist him. She kept on bumping into him.

Her hand was on his shoulders clutching them tightly as she was hell scared of falling.  Seeing her reacation randhir deliberately applied brake and she was totally on him from back and here randhir was enjoying her on him in this way.

Flushing on each skin touch was making her more beautiful till then they reach college with a red faced sanyukta with blush and anger.

Randhir smiled shyly at her knowing that its his time to get beaten up by sanyukta

"Randhir tu to gaya" he muttered under breathe.

Soon they found themselves in deserted corner of college with randhir standing like a naughty boy just caught red handed and sanyukta like a strict crossed armed teacher.

So my reader as I m again late I promise u guys a hot treat from my side in upcoming parts. 
Till then waittttt ;) :*

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