No Problem...

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×××Reader's p.o.v×××

I have been a bit stressed out about work,so I thought walking outside would help me relax.

I know it's dangerous to walk around at night,but I have my quinque on me just in case I run into any ghouls.

I got lost in thought until I felt something bump into me.

"Ow...sorry si- Oh,hello Suzuya! I'm sorry for bumping into you," I apologized.

"No,it was my fault sorry!" Suzuya apologized back. He seemed to be acting a bit strange...

Curious I asked,"What are you doing wandering around at night?"

"I should be asking you the same thing,(Y/N)!"he giggled.

"But I asked you first!"I said pointing at him playfully.

"Hmph, fine. I was searching for ghouls so that I can get my own quinque! Pretty smart huh!?" He's so smug. It's kinda cute...

"I don't think that would work. Knowing how you kill ghouls..."I sighed.

"I don't know what your talking about. But just watch I'll get my quinque! Oh,look at the time, I must get going! See ya,(Y/N)!" he waved his hand towards me.

I waved back,"Goodbye!"

It felt as if Suzuya was up to something...Whatever I'll just ignore it.

My stomach then growled...hehe.
"I'm hungry,"I said to myself. I checked my pocket to see how much money I have...huh!?

Did he take it!? I went running to the direction Suzuya left,until I found him in an alley way. I saw my money scattered on the ground.

"Hey!" I called out to him.

Suzuya turned his head up & smiled,
"Oh,hi (Y/N)! What did you want?"

"I want my wallet AND money back." I told him.

"..Sorry,please forgive me!" He returned my belongings.

"I'll forgive you,but why did you take it?"I was pretty curious.

"...I was hungry,so I was going to use your money to buy food..."he was looking down,somewhat embarrassed.

I started to giggle but my laugh got louder. My outburst caused Suzuya to have a confused look on his face.

"Was that all? Ya know,you can just ask! I was kinda hungry myself,"I said smiling at him.

"But why would you-"

"Because I care about you! I'll help you out whichever way I can. Even of it means spending my money on you, hehe..."Blushing slightly, scratching my cheek.

Suzuya still seemed confused,but smiled back,"Okay! Let's go find a place to eat!"

We walked together to a small restaurant. After we were done eating,he thanked me.

"Thank you for the meal,(Y/N)!"Suzuya was grinning.

"No problem,"I giggled.

He gave me a quick hug,but ran before I could react.

"See ya tomorrow,(Y/N)!"

I stood there dumbstruck,but quickly snapped out of it. I smiled to myself,feeling all the stress weigh off my shoulders. I walked myself home to rest, thinking about Suzuya on the way...


I hope you enjoyed!^~^

BTW did you guys know Suzuya's english voice actor is gonna be Maxey Whitehead. She voiced Alphonse from Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood & Crona from Soul Eater. And some other characters you might like.
I just hope she sounds good o(><;)o

Though the japanese voice actor Kugimiya Rie is amazing! Fits his character so well,I love it! (≧▽≦)
I prefer sub though,but that's my opinion.

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