Is this love?

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~Dedicated to SuzuyasWaifu~

~Requested by SuzuyasWaifu~




"Um Suzuya-senpai? It's not polite to stare." Hanbee tells his superior. He nudges him slightly.

Juuzou quickly looks away,"Oh was I staring at someone?"

Hanbee nods,"Yes. (Last name) to be something wrong?"

"Nope, but to be honest I do feel a bit strange when they're around." He mumbles.

Hanbee looks at him a bit surprised,"Strange? How exactly?"

Juuzou touches his chest right above his heart,"Right here. I can feel my heart beating faster, my stomach also feels weird. I probably ate a bit too many donuts!" He laughs a bit.

"Hm? Seems like you've taken an interest in them, would you like he-"

"Hello Hanbee! I didn't know you would be here." A joyful voice chimes in.

Juuzou looks up to see none other than (Name)'s cute face. Wait, how does she know Hanbee?

"Ah hello,(Last name)! I didn't want to disrupt you." Hanbee replies shyly.

"You don't have to keep calling me by my last name ya know?" They then look over at Juuzou,"Oh hey Juuzou! Sorry I didn't notice you..."

He smiles back,"It's alright. We were just about to leave, he has a lot of work to do" Hanbee looks over at him surprised,"Right Hanbee~?"

He nods quickly,"Yes!"

The duo stand up & say their goodbyes.

"See ya,(Name)!" Juuzou says as he waves. Hanbee does the same.

"Bye Juuzou, Hanbee!" (Name) waves back with a smile plastered onto their face.

As soon as they both leave the cafe, Juuzou sighs loudly,"I feel exhausted! I felt fine just a few minutes ago...maybe I should go to the hospital?" He tilts his head cutely.

He then looks at Hanbee,"By the do you know them?"

His stare scares Hanbee causing him to look away,"Are you perhaps jealous?- Ah wait I didn't mean that!"

Juuzou continues to glare slightly,"I'm sure you didn't, why would I be jealous? Just because you know a cute person more than I do doesn't mean anything!" He pouts.

Hanbee chuckles a bit,"I think you like them Juuzou."

"Well of course I like them." Juuzou states bluntly.

"Tell me how would you feel if they were dating someone?"Hanbee asks full of curiosity.

Juuzou's eyes widen slightly,"Well I would want them to stay away from them. If not then I'll just have to get rid of them~" He giggles cutely.

Hanbee trembles,"O-oh I see..."

The two continue walking back to work in silence.

"Man,I wanna go see them again." Juuzou whines a bit. "I hate to ask this,but Hanbee can you help me out?" He looks away in embarrassment.

"With what,Suzuya-senpai?" Hanbee asks.

Juuzou shouts,"You obviously know what I mean! I can't contain my feelings any this what love feels like? I remember someone close to me said that these are the 'emotions' I would feel if I love someone."

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