Safe with me!

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*Bit of a spoiler ahead ,unless you're caught up with anime or manga.*

(f/a)- favorite animal


I was in a cell. It was cold & dark...all I heard were screaming, cracking,& crying. But I wasn't alone, there was a boy named Rei with me. We got along well, but I could tell what terrible things he's been put through.

Not long ago I was kidnapped by a ghoul. The night it happened I saw my parents turned inside out.


My mom gave me a (f/a) plushy for my birthday, which was a week ago. She even sewed it herself. It had a heart sewed onto its chest. I was about to go to bed, until I heard a crashing sound downstairs...accompanied with screaming.

I quickly got up & ran down the stairs.

"Mom! Dad! What happe-"I was horrified by the sight before me. Intestines, blood, hair, & bones.

I screamed out of terror,"AAAGHH!!".
I fell to my knees, feeling my eyes water. I'll never see them again...

I heard a chuckle next to me causing me to freeze. "Don't worry, I'm taking you with me!" I felt my hand being pulled roughly.

"No! Stop,what are you gonna do to me!" Warm tears streaming down my pale face.

Then I looked up to meet the eyes of a ghoul, my eyes widened.

"You'll just have to wait & see, won't you!?"


I was thrown into a dimly lit cell. I observed my surroundings; blood stained floor, dirty table, no bed, & it smelled foul in here.

I felt a small tap on my shoulder, making me jump. I slowly turned around & the first thing I noticed were bright red doll-like eyes. I thought they were pretty...

"Hello there! What's your name?" The boy asked me. Was it a boy?

"Um, my name is (y/n). What's yours?"

"That's a nice name. I'm Rei," he replied with a small smile.

"Nice to meet you,Rei. Out of curiosity, where are we?" I was a bit nervous.

"At a Ghoul Restaurant. Don't worry they won't eat us." He said assuring me.


I heard the door open. I saw an obese woman holding a bunch of dresses in her arms.

She grinned at us, exposing her braces, "Rei-chan it's time for dress up! Oh yes, I have a new pet. I'll dress you up as well!"

She took us to another room & undressed us. Putting us in lolita dresses & making Rei wear a wig.

"You're both so cute & girly! If only Rei-chan would stay this feminine...oh I know!" She grabs a hammer & grins,"We'll just get rid of this, I'm so smart!"

My eyes doubled in size, I looked away covering my ears from Rei's blood curdling screams.

I wish I could help,but I know she's capable of killing me. I want to leave...

×××End of le flashback×××

I miss my parents & my plushy. As I was remembering what had happened, I heard the cell door creak was Big Madam.

Rei greeted her,"Hi,Mama!"

"Hello,Rei-chan. I'm here to speak to
(y/n)-chan. You'll be in my show tomorrow,(y/n)-chan! Do try to impress my guests or else..."She paused pulling out a case full of knives, hammers, syringes, & sharp pliers. I cringed noticing that they were rusty & already dirtied with someone's dry blood.

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