You liar...

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Young!Juuzou x Young!Reader

~Dedicated to SuzuyasWaifu~
~Requested by SuzuyasWaifu~

(A/n) - Aunt's name


"Rei-kun,are you hiding here?" A young girl asks as she looks behind a tree.

A small giggle is heard nearby. The girl runs towards the direction in which the sound came from. She reaches a small house,which belonged to her friend named Rei.

"So this is where he's hiding? I guess it's better than nothing." She mumbled to herself.

She knocks on the door & waits for it to open. A woman opens the door for her & beams,"Hello there,(Name)! Are you playing with Rei?"

(Name) nods,"Yup! We're playing hide & seek, he's the one hiding."

"Oh,he's upstairs in his room. Come in!" Rei's mother invites her in.

"Thanks for telling me!" (Name) runs upstairs & heads towards his room.

She opens it,"Ah-ha! There you are, did you forget that we were playing hide & seek?"

Rei looks up from his sketchbook,"Wha? Oh right, I forgot. I'm sorry (Name)-chan!"

She sits down next to him,"It's fine. What are ya doing?"

"I'm drawing. Do you want to join me?" He asks. He's only drawn one person, it looked a bit like him.

(Name) smiles,"Sounds fun! Auntie. told me that I draw pretty good!"

"Oh really? Well then show me!"

They spent an hour drawing until Rei's mother made lunch for the two. They both ate in the kitchen.

"Thanks for the food, mother!"(Name) exclaimed happily.

She always calls Rei's mother that. Mostly because she didn't have one anymore, so she needed a mother figure.

She smiles,"Your welcome! It's getting a bit late, why don't I call your aunt to see if you can sleep over tonight? Is that alright with you?"

"Yes! That's alright." She grins to herself.

Rei beams,"Yay! Sleep over!"

The two cheer while mother calls (Name)'s aunt. She would take her back home, but she was afraid of any ghouls showing up.

After the kids finished eating they each went back into Rei's bedroom. They each sat on the soft bed.

"Hey Rei."(Name) starts.


"When we're older can we still be friends?" She stares at him in the eye.

"Of course! What makes you ask that?" Rei replies.

She swings her feet on the edge of the bed,"I don't know. I just feel like something bad is gonna happen soon, so...let's play until that happens alright!?"

He nods grinning,"Alright!"

They slept next to one another that night.


"Breakfast is ready!" Mother calls them.

(Name) woke up early while Rei was still in bed. She comes over to his side & shakes him in attempt of waking him up.

"Hey Rei-kun! Wake up, breakfast is ready!"

Rei shuffles around & grumbles,"Fine."

After the two finished eating their breakfast, they head outside to the backyard. Rei had a swing set he often played with.

"So who pushes who?" (Name) asks.

"You can go first,I'll push!" Rei exclaims.

The two played played & played, never getting bored. Once the clock reached 2pm (Name) was told to go home.

"Bye Rei-kun! I'll see you tomorrow!" She waves at him.

He waves back,"Yeah, see you!"

(Name) runs up to Rei & gives him a hug. Rei is surprised but hugs back.

"Promise you won't leave." She tells Rei, holding onto him tightly.

Rei giggles,"Don't worry I'll never leave. Even if I do we'll see each other in the future. Just like I promised you!"

His eyes suddenly lit up,"I'll be right back!"

He runs into the house, a minute later he comes back out with something in his hand.

It was the drawing they drew yesterday. On the white sheet of paper was the two holding hands. With smiles & simple flowers around them.

"How about I rip it in half, so that you can have my piece & I'll have yours." Rei suggests.

(Name) nods eagerly,"Sure!"

Rei rips the drawing in half, he keeps the one with (Name) on it & she takes the one with him on it.

Rei grins,"Now we'll be together forever!"

(Name) blushes,"Right!"

The two then say their goodbyes.


"Auntie can we go over to Rei's? We were gonna hang out today!" (Name) grabs her aunt's arm.

(A/n) looks down at her with a sad look,"We can't go to his house...I'm sorry."

The small girl tilts her head,"Huh? Why not?"

She looks down at her, tears welling up in her eyes,"They moved..."

(Name)'s smile fades away slowly,"Th-they moved? So I'll never see Rei-kun again?"

The aunt simply nods,"I don't think so, I'm sorry,sweetie." She strokes her hair in a comforting manner.

Suddenly the doorbell rings,causing (Name) to run towards it.

"I'll get it!"

She opens the door expecting Rei, but instead was newspaper on the doorstep.

(Name) pouts,"Boring newpaper..." she looks at it, her eyes widening as she takes a closer look.

"," (Name) stares at the picture of Rei & his mother.

"(Name) what's taking so lo-" (a/n) pauses as she looked at what she was holding.

Tears pouring out of the young girl's eyes. She clutches the newspaper tightly in her hands.

"You liar..."


I'm such a disappointment!;-; this is awful!
I'm sorry I made this saddish, I can't really write anything happy with a young Juuzou/Rei. ×~×

I also couldn't find a decent pic of young Juuzou, so enjoy seeing him in a giraffe onesie :3

Welp,more to come this weekend...

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