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A lil(not really, it's long x3) songfic for you guys'! Please enjoy~
*I don't own Hatsune Miku or this song. They belong to their rightful owner(s)*

Bold=Either Juuzou's or Reader's thoughts. Maybe both.


"Yawn~" Juuzou sits up from his bed & stretches. Luckily he had a day off of work today.

I wake up in the morning
And immediately I start to think of you

He remembers that he's going to meet up with (Name) at the sweets shop. It's been a while since they've spoken, because (Name) was transferred to another ward.

So they thought that today would be great to catch up on each other.

Juuzou gets up from bed & quickly dresses into clean clothes. He brushes his hair & places his pins to hold back a few of his bangs.

He then runs out the door & heads to the sweets shop."I'm comin',(Name)-chan!"


(Name) woke up early & showered this morning. She got dressed into (whatever it is you like to wear) & puts an umbrella into her bag. Just in case it rains today,since that's what the broadcast said. It was supposed to be just a little bit.

And it's time to go
I'm looking super cute today!

She looks at herself in the mirror & grins in satisfaction. Opening the door excited to see Juuzou again."I can't wait to see him again!"


Juuzou sits at a small booth in the sweets store. He & (Name) always ate there after they got out of work.

"Excuse me, are you going to order anything?" The waitress asks him.

"I'm waiting for a friend. You can wait 'till she gets here ,right~?"Juuzou smiles at the waitress creeping her out.

"R-right!" She scurries away from him.

Juuzo felt a tap on his shoulder,"You've always enjoyed creeping her out,huh~?"

Juuzou turns around to meet the face of an old friend. It was (Name) smiling at him,"It's nice to see you,Juuzou!"

Juuzou smiles back,"Hey (Name)-chan! I'm glad you're here!" He motions her to sit down across from him.

"Don't mind if I do~ So how are you? It's been a while huh?" (Name) asks while looking down at the menu filled with various desserts.

"Yeah. I'm doing great by the way! I've recently caught a ghoul with my partner. Though I did most of the work,like always." He mumbles the last part.

She looks up at Juuzou, not wanting to mention anything about new partners. Since she was also apart of the fight with Owl & Aogiri Tree.

"That's nice. Anything new?" (Name) asks, hoping he doesn't bring up anything negative.

"I've gotten used to my prosthetic leg,it feels like it's not even there anymore.'s not but ya know what I mean," Juuzou leans closer to (Name) & whispers,"I have my Scorpion in it too. It's great! How's your prosthetic?"

He looks down at her arm which was covered by a long sleeve & glove. He furrows his small eyebrows in confusion as to why it's the most covered part...or at least the part that has the most clothing...

(Name) looks down at her arm,unfortunately it was her (left/right) one to. "I've gotten used to it as well. I miss my original arm sometimes though,it's just not the same...I'm also a bit insecure about it if you haven't noticed already."

Suzuya Juuzou x Reader One-Shots *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now