Stargazing & Goodnight's.

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"Sigh~ Nice & quiet...just the way I like it." I said closing my eyes, enjoying the night breeze."I wonder what Juuzou's up to?"

"(Name)-chan/kun!! Are you up here!?" Speak of the devil...

I was currently on top of my apartment's rooftop. I liked talking to myself...don't judge me.

Juuzou startled me with his face above mine, causing me to headbutt him. At least he doesn't feel pain.

"Ow! Juuzou that hurt!" I exclaimed holding my forehead.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you (Name)-chan/kun." He rubs my forehead gently.

"It's alright. Anyway,what are doing here?" I asked blushing lightly.

He smiles,"Well,I wanted to see my dear (Name). There's nothing wrong with that,right~?"

"Nope, I was wondering what you were doing. Lay down, I want to watch the stars." I say patting the spot next to me.

He does as I say. "Sounds kinda boring,(Name). But as you wish."

"Hey Juuzou, what's your zodiac sign?" I asked curious.

Juuzou pulls the stitching on his lip,"Um, I think it's Gemini. Why did you ask?"

I searched for the sign in the sky.
Ah-ha! "There! That's Gemini up there!" I say pointing towards the stars.

"Oh? It looks like two people holding hands. Like you & I,(Name)-chan/kun!" He giggles a bit.

"Yup, except we're not twins. Hehe..." I laugh awkwardly.

He nods,"True, but I can dress you up so that you look just like me! Wouldn't you like that?"

"Sure,Juuzou. Whatever makes you happy." I reply smiling sheepishly.

Juuzou suddenly takes a hold of my hand in his. He's cold...

"Now we look like those twins!"

"Mm-hm!" I grip his hand tighter.

"Um...can we stay like this,(Name)-chan/kun?" He asks facing towards me.

I nod my head,"Yes,I don't mind." I cuddle up against him,wrapping my arms around his waist. He does the same to me.

"Juuzou you won't leave my side right?" I asked turning my head up to face him.

He giggles,"(Name) you should know by now that I'll never leave you. I would be bored without you."

I blush faintly,"Same goes to you,Juuzou.I won't leave your side either."

I feel his grip tighten,"I know!"He nuzzles himself closer to me.

After minutes of laying on the flat roof I heard a soft snore. I look down at Juuzou to see him sleeping soundly.

"Oh~ he's so cute when he sleeps...wait. Juuzou get up, we can't sleep on the roof! You might catch a cold & what if a ghoul eats us in our sleep!?" I shake his shoulders lightly.

His eyes flutter open,"Wha? Oh right, let's go inside then."

We get up & go to bed together. I sigh happily as I wrap ourselves in warm blankets.

"Yay, it's so much warmer inside."

Juuzou nods,"Yup, you wouldn't want me catching a cold. Haha!"

I get a bit flustered,"W-well that's only because I care about you! There's nothing wrong with that, is there?"

He giggles,"Nope,nothing wrong at all!" He yawns,"Let's go to sleep now. I have to wake up early tomorrow."

"Okay. Goodnight, Juuzou-kun." I place my head on his chest & listen to his heartbeat. Slowly luring me into sleep.

"Goodnight,(Name)-chan/kun." Juuzou whispered as he wrapped his arm around me.


Another short one,but I'll publish longer ones after these! I hope this was good.

:3 Hope ya enjoyed! Bye~

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