Bad End?

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For anime-only watchers, you'll notice the difference between what happened in the manga than what happened in the anime. It's only like one thing. But I think it's important. So yea:I

Also if you are thinking about reading the manga, please do. I soo recommend it.>:3

A bit of gore, but what did ya expect?
Please continue with caution!


The special class investigators & I were currently fighting the Owl. We all landed a hit at once,finally taking it down.

"Owl extermination...complete." Shinohara states.

I smiled at Juuzou & the others.
"Great job,every-"

A very loud crash came right behind us. Another one?

"Watch out!" I felt my myself get thrown against the hard concrete,hearing a cracking sound. I used my quinque to cut off its kagune which was grabbing my leg. I quickly got up & backed away, trying to avoid getting hit.

Juuzou went to attack, but his right leg got cut off.
"Juuzou!" I ran after him,watching him fall to the ground.

I saw the tears on Shinohara's face. He must've felt guilty...

"You guys shouldn't worry, I don't feel anything. So please continue fighting," Juuzou told us.

I promised myself not to let anyone hurt Juuzou after finding out about his past. I guess you can call me a bit of a yandere,hehe.

I charged towards Owl with my quinque pointing forwards. I somehow landed a few attacks until I reached the same fate as Juuzou. My leg got cut off & so did Shinohara's.

"GAAAH!" I fell on my side as I saw Juuzou crawl his way towards us.

Owl grins,"Now.You.Match!" It stabs Shinohara in his belly & swirls it around.

I looked at Juuzou in the eye,"Juuzou please go now! I don't want you getting hurt!"

He looked astonished,"(Name) I can't leave you, you'll die!"

"We can't afford anyone else dying,dammit!" Tears were dripping down my face by now,"Please...I love you, Juuzou."

His eyes widened even more,if that was even possible,"Love me?" He smiles,"I love you too,(Name)-chan!"

I smiled,cherishing this moment while it still lasts. I felt myself get pulled away from Juuzou's embrace, feeling a sharp pressure sink into my gut. The last thing I heard was Suzuya screaming in agony...



That's all I heard. I tried to open my eyes but they felt very heavy.

"Wake...up." Who's voice is that?

"(Name)...please." Sounds like crying.

I try to speak,"Mmm...soorry..." My words slurred.

"He/She/they spoke, he/she/they spoke!" It's Juuzou's voice!

I felt someone lift my eyelid. Rude.

I saw Juuzou, he had tears on his face. Was he crying for me?

"Can you move your fingers?" He asks gently.

I attempted to move one, but failed.

"Oh, I see." He mumbled sadly.

My eyes felt heavy again.

I heard another voice speak up,"What does his/her/there(or they're:?) will say?"

"If he/she's/they're ever in this state, he/she/they want(s) the p-plug to be pulled...he/she/they say(s) there's no point if he/she/they c-can't wake up." That was my mother. Her voice cracked while speaking.

"I see...I'll give you time to say your goodbyes." I heard the door shut.

"Oh (Name), you know I'm proud of your hard work...I wish I could've seen you get married. I'm glad I got to see you grow into a mature young man/lady/person. Sleep well." I felt her caress my cheek. I heard the door close again.

I still felt Juuzou's presence in the room, just the two of us.

"I'll miss you,(Name)-chan/kun. I wish you were awake so that I can tell you, that I love you...again. I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm awful..." I felt his tears fall onto my face.

Juuzou holds onto my hand, I try my best to squeeze it back. I even try to smile, it came out weird but I'm sure he'll get the message.

He gasps,"I love you,(Name). Your smile alone makes my day. I'll work hard for both you & Shinohara-san! Tell him I said 'Hi' on the other side, alright?"

I then feel his soft lips press onto mine.



Yes yes, I know this was very depressing, but I'll publish another part with a happy end. So don't be sad, be glad!

Though when Shinohara died/became a vegetable I cried my eyes out! So sad especially sense Suzuya realizes how much he meant to him ;-;
Sorry for reminding everyone about that :c

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