Wedding Day

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My mother in law passed me a motherly smile before leading me in through the door. I reciprocated her warm gesture ignoring a pang of disappointment piercing through my heart. Usually, the bride and groom make their entry together in their reception. But here, the bride doesn't even know where her groom is.

I walked through the door with my mother-in-law and instantly became the center of attraction. People turned to look at me. Scrutinizing my every movement. Assessing my face as to why Alexender Knight chose me over thousands of girls waiting to sacrifice anything to be his. I know, I am a good looking woman but so many eyes scanning me attentively was making me nervous. I felt blood rushing up to my cheek. I am sure I was resembling a beetroot at that moment.  

"Everyone, meet my daughter-in-law, Crystal Knight," Debbie, my mother-in-law announced cheerfully. Some of the people approached me with a gentle smile and shook my hand. 

"You are looking pretty.....We can see why Alex chose two will make a great couple.....",  Debbie introduced me to many of their relatives and friends who said the same thing using different words. I was ecstatic when I saw my dad, mom, and my sister standing in a corner and looking at me with a proud smile. I noticed a dollop of tears trickling from my mom's eyes. My dad rubbed her back and whispered something in her ears. 

I scanned over the entire hall and finally found my husband standing in the farthest corner from me. He was engaged in a conversation with a bunch of men and women who must be around his age. Not for once did his eyes flicker in my direction whereas I couldn't resist myself stealing glances at him from time to time. 

It felt as if he had forgotten that this was his reception and he had a wife somewhere in the same hall. 

My family came up to me once I was done with the introduction session with Knight's kins and kith. Mom pulled me in for a warm hug and murmured how quickly I grew. She pulled out only to let Dad engulf me in his embrace. Their presence was bringing me peace and comfort. It might not be evident on the surface but on the inside, I was very nervous. My mother started talking to Debbie whereas I worked on the task of suppressing my disappointment and anxiety.  

"Where is Alex?" Debbie finally took note of her son's absence. I wanted to point at his direction with a sour look but refrained as I didn't want to be seen as desperate. I patiently waited for her to locate her forgetful son. I figured she had succeeded in tracking him when her nose and brows scrunched up in annoyance. She left me with my family and walked towards him. 

My mom asked me about Alex and that if I was happy or not. I thought the second question was too early to ask as Alex and I had just met but I nodded nonetheless. I didn't want my family to be bothered by my marriage life. I had already bothered them a lot in the past. 

Debbie reappeared with a smile and this time not alone but with her son. Nervousness and excitement both hit me in the guts when he got in my sight. He looked cold and somber but that didn't dampen his beauty. If anything, it was making him look enigmatic, more beautiful. His presence demanded attention and submission. Suddenly, the air around us had turned darker and the hall started to look tiny.      

My heart rate sped up when he found his spot next to me. I could smell his scent. He reeked of cinnamon and pine. "Mr. Stone," Alex addressed in his deep voice causing the current to ripple down my spine. He lengthened his arm for a handshake. My dad accepted his hand without a delay. He had his usual fan-like expression plastered over his face.  

"I hope you are enjoying yourselves," Alex said in his ever deep tone. Which made me wonder if he always talks in such a demanding tone. 

My dad nodded and they exchanged a few words about their business and stuff. Alex then moved to my mother and indulged in a few-word conversation with her. His curt reply and clipped questions made me realize that he is a man of few words. 

Debbie pushed us to do the cake-cutting ceremony. A multi-tier wedding cake was waiting for us in the middle of the hall. Debbie led me to the cake with Alex on my tail. A smile spread across my face. The crowd had assembled. Debbie handed me a knife and gestured her son to grab on it. I had to wait a little longer as he took his sweet time to get his hand on the knife. One more thing that grabbed my attention was that Alex held the end of the knife, a little behind my wrapped hand as if deliberately trying to avoid my touch. And that is how my smiling face twisted into a frown. We or precisely I cut the cake And the crowd cheered. Ignoring his cold behaviour, I tried to shove a piece of cake into his mouth but he licked its cream and turned my hand towards my mouth. He had no smile on his face and no enthusiasm. I searched his eyes in hope of finding even a tiny bit of excitement but there was nothing. 

He left me right after and came back only when his family pushed him to have a dance with me. He grabbed my elbow without looking me in the eyes and dragged me towards the floor. There was nothing romantic in the way he treated me. I didn't say anything, though. I just couldn't.

He interlaced our hands and hooked an arm around my waist. I placed a hand on his shoulder. Our eyes locked. His silver orbs capturing my soul. And then we begin to sway to the music. He took the lead, I simply followed. Some romantic music was going on. But I can't tell you the name. I was lost. Taken hostage by his grey gems. 

He didn't waver his gaze nor I backed down. We kept staring into each other's souls. It felt as if the world around had ceased to exist. It was just us. Two souls endeavoring to unravel the deepest secrets of each other. I didn't even realize that I had come so close to him that there was just an inch of gap between our lips. His breath fanning over my face made me realize our proximity. I trailed my gaze down his lips. Same lips that I had touched a few hours ago. They were inviting me to have another bite of it. Without thinking further, I stood on the tip of my toe to touch his lips with mine. I dragged my lips further to close this annoying gap between us. I was close. So close that I inhaled his minty breath. I smelled his aftershave. My lips were just half a centimeter away from his when he pushed me away. 

The spell was broken. I looked at him in shock and disbelief, whereas, he shot daggers at me. I saw disgust and anger swirling in his eyes. I didn't tumble back as I was still in his arms, although, he had put a lot of distance between us. Luckily, we didn't capture anyone's attention as well. Before I could collect my thoughts, my husband detached himself from me and walked out. A lone tear tumbled out of my eyes without me noticing. 

Alex didn't come back that night. He left me alone at the party to wonder what did I do wrong? Was it wrong to try to kiss my own husband?

The party ended and a driver came to take me to his house. Alex had disappeared again. His mother was very angry when she learned that he had sent a driver to collect me. But there was nothing she could do about it. She gave me an apologetic look and hugged me tightly hoping her hug would ease the pain I was feeling. But it didn't. I waved her bye and dived in the car.

The car roared to life and sped towards his house. I couldn't restrain the floodgate anymore and tears started pouring down my cheek as his disgusted face flashed before my eyes. Did my touch disgust him? Despite how much it was hurting me, I couldn't erase it from my memory. 

Hey Guys, here is another update.  

Please read and enjoy

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