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That day I realized that choosing a car is as tricky as choosing a dress to wear for a date. The cars that caught my attention exceeded my budget and the cars that came in my budget didn't really appeal to me. So it took us more than an hour to find a car that fit my budget as well as stroked my interest. My excitement had worn off by then and I was really grateful to Ian for bearing with my frustrated self. I had never anticipated car shopping to be so difficult. Anyway, we made the payment, and they said that they would deliver my car next week. I was walking on air. 

Thereafter, we drove straight to the city's renowned ice cream parlor where I treated Ian with his favorite ice cream. The guy deserved it. The conversation rolled off naturally between us and soon centered on our personal lives. My eyes popped out in surprise when he told me that he had hots for Shirley. I couldn't help but smile when I saw him blushing. Ian was by every definition a good guy and whoever girl becomes his would be lucky. I had already started shipping the two together.  

We exited the parlor after midnight. He dropped me at my place and then left for his. I had a good time except for the time when I accidentally dropped my cup of ice cream on my shirt causing big blots to appear on them. What more, I also had completely forgotten about my little confrontation with Alex this evening.

I opened the door and found the whole of the mansion wrapped in the dark. A groan left my lips when my feet hit something hard. It was too dark to see anything. I turned on my phone's flashlight and made my way to my room. 

Instinctively, my eyes whipped to Alex's room to check if he was awake or not. The light of his room was out which meant he was sleeping or wasn't home. I spun my door open and strode in. I took a loud sigh as the tiring day had robbed me off of my energy. I threw my bag in bed and went straight to the bathroom to splash some water on my face. 

I gasped in surprise when I saw how the stain marks had ruined my shirt. A frown set upon my brows as I clicked my tongue in disappointment before pulling the shirt off me and threw it in the basket. I was only in my bra and jeans now. My nightwear was in my closet so I strolled out to fetch that. But the room was still pitch black.

Goosebumps erected all over my skin as I felt someone's presence in my room. I felt as if someone was watching me. I swallowed a lump and hurried towards the switchboard to turn on the light. The room immediately got flooded with light and I turned around to get the biggest shock of the day.

"What the fuck," I yelped and jumped back in utter shock when my eyes landed on the intruder who was lounging in the chair in a corner.  Alex was sitting in the chair with a glass of...whiskey. His unnerving silver orbs were trained on me, watching my every moment. His face was as blank as always but the fire burning in his eyes told me that he was not in his right state of mind.  

"What are you doing here?" I asked eyeing the glass of whiskey and an almost empty bottle that sat on the table. 

No response came from him. His steely orbs roamed lazily over my body. A desire-jolting shudder passed through my being when I noticed a shred of lust flicker in his stormy grey eyes as they took in my breasts that were hiding behind the thin fabric of my bra. I pressed my back into the wall behind me as his heated gaze felt too intense and arousing. He kept studying my anatomy through his hooded eyes and then a devilish smirk plastered over his face. He tilted his head back. All my   

"How does it feel like..... whoring around?" he morphed his expression into fake curiosity but the raw rage that peeked through his eyes and the veins popping out in his neck revealed that he was going to burst out any second. Him calling me whore was not something new. And this time I knew who he was hinting at. I an and I. My temper flared at his prejudice against me and I felt this strong urge to claw his eyes out and scratch his face but I chose against it as he looked ready to kill.     

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