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"Shit, I am so sorry" Shirley's eyes went wide as soon as she saw Alex leaning over me. For outsiders, it must have looked like that we were kissing, sadly, how far was that from the truth. We both were too startled to respond. Alex retracted at once when he realized how closer we had come.    

Shirley was about to exit but Alex beat her to it. He straightened up and zoomed past her without sparing a glance at me or Shirley. I sat myself in an upright position and waited for Shirley to speak. She pushed her spectacle up and sauntered towards my desk.

"Good Morning," I said with a cheerful smile. 

"Good morning," she said a little embarrassed.

So, what's the plan for today?" I asked in an attempt to divert her attention from what just had happened 

" you are going to have a one-on-one meeting with the managers of every team,"

"Alright. Let's start it with the Tech manager first. Send him in. I have a lot to discuss with him," I told her. 

She nodded and left. I heaved a sigh because I knew today was going to be a long day.

As expected the day passed in a blur. My jaw was aching by all the talking that I did during those back-to-back meetings. But couldn't complain as the meeting proved fruitful. I learned that one of the major issues that we were dealing with was the financial one. Apparently, Knight Industries was not pumping enough money into the business that forced the employees to compromise in the quality of the material used for the designing purpose. 

They asked the accounting department multiple times to put more money in it but each time they turned down their request calling it unnecessary demand. So eventually they stopped asking and tried to make work in whatever they had.

I assured them that I will talk to Alex about it. They smiled with hope, assuming that Alex wouldn't refuse my request as I was his wife. Stupid assumptions. But I had to persuade him as this business clearly needed more investment to flourish. Today, I wrapped up my work before time and rushed to Alex's office. I wasn't going to let him leave me today. 

My feet halted in surprise when I heard a feminine voice coming from his cabin. Who could be with him in his cabin when almost the entire office was empty. The sweet voice inflamed an acrid fire of jealousy inside me. Without wasting a second, I opened the door and marched into the room, catching the attention of both the person who was engaged in the conversation. One of them happened to be my husband and the other was I did't know who she was. 

My eyes jumped onto Alex who was already glaring at me with set jaws. I shifted my gaze to the woman who appeared to be in her mid-twenties and was eyeing me with a confused expression. Doesn't she know I am his wife? None of us spoke anything for a few awkward moments until Alex took it upon himself to cut the tension and introduce us. 

"Ummm....Amelia she is..she is my wife," he said without looking up from the table. 

"What? You got married?" Amelia jumped from her chair in surprise and eyed him incredulously. I furrowed my brow, not knowing what to think. Alex didn't answer so she turned to me and gave me a wide smile. 

"Hi, I am Amelia Scott. Alex's the...." 

"My friend," Alex cut in.

I returned her smile with my own and shook hands with her. 

"I am Crystal. Nice to meet you," I introduced myself. You know, what shocked me? The way her smile fell when I told her my name. She looked dumbfounded. I wanted to ask her what happened but refrained. 

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