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The car stopped in front of a grand mansion. I climbed off and stood clueless not knowing what to do now. I checked my mobile for the time that said 03:00 AM in the morning. I was wondering about telling the driver to drop me at my parents' house when a guard came running towards me. The man appeared to be in his late fifties. He had a friendly face which became friendlier when he shot me a warm smile. 

"Mrs. Knight, I am Graham Ford, the head security of this mansion. Sir is not home right now so I'll be showing you in," Ford said. He looked a little apologetic. I smiled at him and sidestepped so that he could lead.

The guard unlocked the door and stepped in through the fancy gate. The mansion looked like a replica of a palace. My father had a mansion too and I had seen a lot of mansions before but this one.. this one was just perfection. My lips parted in awe as my eyes wandered around soaking up the beauty of this place. 

"This way, madam," Ford broke me away from my trance making me fall into the line behind him but not before I gave him a sheepish smile. We walked up the stairs, passed through different doors before stopping in front of one. 

"This one is Sir's room and now yours too," Ford explained before pushing the door open. 

A tingling sensation erupted through every pore of my body when he said that. My heartbeat had climbed up. Ford left after showing me to his room. Our room.

His room felt cold just like him. But there was a sense of warmth too. Don't get me wrong. I was still furious at him and this fella had a lot of explaining to do, but in the meantime, there was no harm in exploring my own room, right? I stepped inside and looked around. I found white walls, expensive furniture, a king-size bed, and blue colored curtains. 

I made my way to the bed and plopped down on it. My mind got swamped by the thoughts of our future. The days and nights we will be spending in this bed. A shade of red colored my cheek as I imagined us tangled with each other in this bed.  Maybe tomorrow. 

My exhaustion was catching up to me and the velvety material beneath my body was making it impossible for me to keep my eyes open. I laid down and closed my eyes. Couldn't wait for him. Our first night will have to wait. 

My eyes snapped open when I heard the sound of knob-spinning. Someone entered through the door but didn't move for a few seconds after seeing me in the bed. I couldn't see his face due to the dark but I had sensed who was he. By the scent in the air, I figured that the person standing at the door is my husband. He stood rooted to the spot for a minute and turned around and walked out through the same door. 

I was shocked and confused both. I couldn't understand why he did what he did. I was sure he had come to sleep. His sudden and inexplicable action had really confounded me but I was too tired to actually think over it. So, I pulled the blanket up to my head and slept like a horse.

I woke up to a cold room and even a colder side. The side next to me was still untouched which meant he didn't return to sleep. I pulled myself up in a sitting position and stretched my arms to get rid of the remaining sleep. 

I dug through my suitcase and pick out a nice knee-length blue dress. I took the shower and wore it on. Once I was sure I am looking presentable, I stepped out of the room and decided to do a little exploring but the mouth-watering scent of food beat me to it. I couldn't restrain myself from following the scent that was wafting through the entire house. The scent brought me to the kitchen. The soft pitter-patter coming from the room was proof enough that someone was inside making breakfast. 

I walked in holding my stomach in hand and met with the backside of a woman who must be in her late fifties. 

"Hello?" I said

The woman spun on her heel and I found myself facing a plumpy woman. Her smile widened on seeing me. "Mrs. Knightly," she greeted me. Her eyes shone through as they ran over my form. 

"I am Grace. Your cook," she introduced herself while rolling the dough in her hand.

" Nice to meet you," I said sweetly. Her grin widened

"Are you hungry?" she asked me while flipping the pancake in the pan.

"Yeah," I admitted while devouring the pancake with my eyes.

"Give me a minute then. I'll get it done," she said while gesturing me to sit in the chair. I obliged.

True to her words, she slid a tray full of pancakes towards me. I devoured it and nearly moaned when they hit my tastebuds. It was simply delicious. We talked. Grace was an easygoing woman. She told me about her family. Her husband works as the chief of security. It is then I realized she is the wife of Mr. Ford. We talked a little more.

"Where is Alex?" I asked her trying to act not curious

"He is in the study. I am going to give him his breakfast," Mrs. Ford replied before passing by me

I saw her retreating figure. She climbed up the stairs and disappeared into the hallway. We were in the same house. Maybe just a few steps away but still it felt like we were very far. I sighed and flopped on the couch in the living area. Grace came back after a few minutes. But this time there was no smile playing on her lips. In fact, they were slightly turned down. 

Hesitance marred her expression when she saw me. I wanted to ask her what's wrong but stopped when she started walking towards me.

"Is everything alright," I asked her. Concern laced my voice

"Everything is fine my child. It's just.......Alex sir, wants you to vacate his room and move to any other," Grace said reluctantly. She sounded displeased and confused too.

I couldn't understand what to say or how to react. Embarrassment slithered up my spine and speed into my bones. But more than that I was shocked and sad. My husband was kicking me out of his room on the very first day of our marriage. Now the event of last night began to make sense. That is why he turned around and stormed out of the room because he didn't want to share the same room with me let alone a bed. 

I couldn't look in Grace's eyes because of how embarrassed I felt.

Without giving her any response I simply got up and walked up to his room to fetch my stuff.                           


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