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A/N: This chapter contains sexual parts, biting and some slapping. You have been warned. 

Hermione sat on the bed of fur in the middle of the tent as she cried her eyes out. She wanted to leave this pack but now it appeared nearly impossible. She thought she had the chance when she had challenge Fenrir to fight for her own freedom. She should have known Fenrir would pull something like this with Ron and Harry there. She should have known he would have made them fight in her place. Hermione whimpered as she wiped away some of the tears. 

She listened as the flap of the tent opened and closed. Hermione didn't bother to lift her head up to look at who it was since she had a feeling she knew who exactly was walking in. She felt the person sit down behind her as he wrapped his arms around her stomach. Her eyes widened when she felt his hands crawling up her shirt and slowly began to unbutton her blouse. Hermione roughly pulled his hands away as she turned and pushed against Scabior's chest and send him flying onto his back. 

"Leave me alone!" She screamed at him before turning around as she began crying again. She attempted to hide her pain since she didn't want him to have pleasure in seeing her suffer. She heard him get up on his hands and feet as she watched from the corner of her eye him crawling over in front of her. He lightly pushed her chin up with the tip of his fingers till she was looking up into his eyes. 

"Why are you crying, mate? I won the fight for us. Now we can be with..." he started when Hermione, out of anger, slapped him across the face. The sound was so loud, Hermione wouldn't be surprise if anyone outside the tent could have heard it. Scabior slowly lifted his hand to his cheek, his eyes wide with shock. 

"I don't want to be with you! I wanted to leave! I wanted Ron to win so I can go back to Hogwarts! I wanted to go home!" Hermione yelled at him. Scabior slowly turned his face towards her, his cheek flaring up from where she slapped him. 

"You are home. This is your home now, love. We're now family. And... and... I'm plan on making you happy. Because I'm the only one that will know how to make you feel good." Scabior stated to her as he cupped his hands on her face and locked his lips against her own. Hermione tried to pry his fingers off her, but they locked with each other. He lightly pushed her backwards till she was lying on her back. She could feel part of her wanted to melt into the kiss and his touch but her other side wasn't having it. He moved his hands from her face as they slid down her body and over her legs to wrap them around his waist. He started to rub himself against her when Hermione found her strength by biting his lips. 

Scabior yelped as he pushed himself off her and pressed his fingers against his bottom lip. He groaned out in pain as droplets of blood slipped between his fingers. Hermione hurried and crawled away from him as far as possible and got onto her feet. She went to run out of her tent when she suddenly felt a pair of hands on her arms, pulling her back into the tent. She was roughly turned around and forced to stare up to a pissed off Scabior.

"Why the bloody hell did you do that for? You could have ripped my entire lip off!" Scabior shouted at her, blood dripping down his chin. Hermione tried to pull away from his grip but he was too strong to. 

"I don't care! I want to leave! This is crazy! You're crazy! And... and so is Fenrir! I do not have to stay here if I don't want to! I especially don't have to be with someone I do not love!" Hermione screamed at the top of her lungs. Scabior's eyes were filled with shock and horror like she had cursed him or something. Hermione attempted again with tugging now that Scabior appeared to be lost in thought when he suddenly ripped off half of her blouse. Before Hermione could ask what he was doing, he grabbed a fistful of her head, flung it to the side then sunk his teeth deep into Hermione's shoulder. 

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