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Hermione's eyes were wide as they stared in shock at Fenrir kissing her, one of his hands running through her hair while the other ran over her waist. Even though she was sure it was going to get her in trouble, she found herself breaking the kiss from Fenrir and taking a few steps out of his reach. 

"What are you doing?" she asked him. Fenrir blinked his eyes rapidly like he had been pulled from a dream of some sort before he pushed his hair from his face.  

"I... I... I'm sorry. I didn't... I didn't mean to do that." Fenrir blurted out as he darted his face away from her. Hermione reached her hand out to cup his face when a snap of a branch caused them to shoot their heads up to see running through the woods Scabior. His eyes landed on the sight before him as he then glared at Fenrir. 

"Did I interrupted something?" Scabior snarled, his hands tightened up into fists. Fenrir let out a low rumble sounding like a growl while he proceeded to get out of the river. 

"No, actually. The ceremony is over. Hermione proved she can provide for the pack. I think she would make better as a gatherer than a hunter, but she can sure fish." Fenrir stated while he grabbed his pants then headed away. Hermione finally found her will power as she began to walk over to Scabior. She hadn't even gotten out of the lake when she felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around her as a pair of lips latching against her own. For a moment, Hermione wanted to fight against it but she found herself melting into the kiss. Soon Scabior broke the kiss and smirk while he tugged at her hair. 

"Remember this Hermione... I'm the only one that can make you feel this good. And tonight... I will make you my mate and fully a pack member." Scabior whispered, lightly nipping at the corner of her neck. Hermione's eyes widened when it came to her attention the he planned to make her a werewolf. 

Fenrir pushed his hair back while he went heading back to the campsite, cursing under his breath. How could he be stupid? How could he allow himself to fall victim to his own emotions? Fenrir growled as he felt his heart beating deep within his chest, remembering the feeling of her lips on his own. He had been an idiot for allowing himself to kiss her. Now he was craving her touch, her kiss but mostly... her! He sighed while he entered the campsite. He was just going to go straight for his tent when he noticed his pack all circled around, mumbling to themselves. Fenrir was confused as to what was the fuss when he saw one of betas walking over him. 

"Alpha, outsiders have came into our camp while you were away!" He stated to him. Fenrir's eyes widened as he proceeded to rush towards where everyone is. Quickly everyone slipped to the side, bowing if they could while while he rushed over to the middle. As soon as he did, his paused as he snickered at the sight of the very Ron Weasley and Harry Potter tied up in their midst. 

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