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Hermione opened her eyes as she saw she was in one of the hospital wing's beds. She carefully pushed herself up onto her elbows as she saw Harry laying his head on the foot of the bed. She felt herself smiling as she reached out and lightly patted her hand on the back of Harry's head. Harry's head jolted up from the bed before it turned over to face her. As soon as his eyes landed onto her, he jumped from his seat and leaned over her. 

"Hermione! It's so good to see you're awake!" he cheered as he gently hugged her in his arms. Hermione nodded her head. 

"I'm not sure how I got here. I remember vanishing from the campsite." Hermione murmured out. Harry narrowed his eyes. 


"The pack of werewolves. Fenrir Greyback... Scabior... I had to leave them... I couldn't watch them fight each other anymore." She whispered to him. Harry shook his head in clear confusion as to what she was talking about. 

"Fight each other? Why were they fighting each other?" Harry asked her. She opened her mouth to speak when the doors opened and drew their attention towards it. It was Professor Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Lupin running right into the room alongside Madam Pomfrey towards her. 

"Hermione! Are you alright? Some Aurors found you at the front gates of Hogwarts." McGonagall asked her as she rounded the corner to her bedside. Hermione shook her head as Dumbledore and Remus stood at the end of her bed while Madam Pomfrey busied herself with getting things from a cabinet at the end of the room. 

"Tell us what had happened, Miss Granger. We want to know everything that happened." Dumbledore told her politely but you can still tell that it was a command. Hermione began to tell her story of how she was dared to go into the forbidden forest by her friends and being found by Scabior and taken into the werewolves' campsite then proceeded to where he told her she was his mate then to Fenrir making her part of the pack to finally mentioning how she ended up back at Hogwarts. She left out the part where Scabior had picked the fight against Fenrir because Fenrir slept with her. She didn't want to see the look on their faces when she had to explain to them that Fenrir didn't rape her but she gave her consent for him to do so. She could only imagine herself having to look Remus in the eye and try to explain her reasoning as to why she would even be willingly to be in the same room with the man let alone sleep with him. Remus shook his head. 

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. But now you are safe and I will help you through the werewolf transformation. You are home, Hermione. That's all that matters." Remus confirmed to her. Even though part of her agreed with Remus that it was good to be home at Hogwarts, she had another strange feeling that kept whispering in her ear... that this wasn't and will never again be home. 

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