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"What the bloody hell?" Hermione screamed at him as she pushed herself away from Fenrir, covering herself with the blanket as she kept staring at him in disbelief. She was stunned. There were no words at how confused she was. She was supposed to be with Scabior but Fenrir just had mated with her, so did that mean she was Fenrir's mate or what? Hermione felt her brain may explode any minute with this information. Fenrir sat up with his legs crossed, still a bit out of breath from what they did to each other, as he held out one of his hands.

"Okay, just listen..." he started when she cut in.

"Listen? LISTEN?!?!" That's all you have to say?" Hermione shouted as she grabbed hold of her clothes and started to get dressed. She felt Fenrir's hand wrapped around her forearm as he pulled her towards.

"Hermione, I am sorry if you started to develop feelings for Scabior and I know I should have shoved my own feelings to the side but the thought of him having you made me furious... and I knew if I didn't tell you I would regret it for the rest of my life." Fenrir claimed. Hermione glared at him.

"Then you should have told me not sleep with me! I'm... I'm... so confused." Hermione whimpered while she pulled her arm from his grasp. And that was the truth. For the few days in the pack, she was strictly told she was Scabior's mate and then Fenrir started to show a liking to her. Worse she was starting to open up her feelings with Scabior and now Fenrir just came in and stirred her emotions up. Now she was confused with who she was really attracted to more! Fenrir or Scabior?

She stood up to get her shoes on. Fenrir began to get dress himself as he kept trying to reach out for Hermione but she kept slapping his hand away.

"This isn't exactly what I thought would happen! It... it just happened! I'm sorry! I wish I can make it up to you but I can't change what happened." Fenrir pleaded with her as he again tried to reach out to her. Hermione pushed his hand away.

"I shouldn't have gone out to the forest that night! I shouldn't have!! I wish I hadn't! Than none of this would be happening!" She cried, pressing her hands against her face. She sobbed against her palms as she wished none of this happened to her. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her as she was pressed against him. She listened to him hush her as he brushed his fingers through her her.

"So I'm guessing you grew feelings to Scabior." Fenrir whispered. Hermione sniffled.

"I thought I was. then you... you went and... stirred these new emotions in me." She whimpered against his shoulder. She felt Fenrir was about to say something when she heard the tent flap opening. Fenrir's body stiffened, causing her to peer around to see a shocked Scabior. For a moment, no one dared to speak... until Scabior's eyes changed to a piercing gold and when running towards them with claws and teeth out.

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