Chapter II: The letter

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The letter read...

Dear Madeline,

You are invited to my masquerade party. It will be very fun.

It's located at xxxx xxxxxx

The Dress code is a dress and Mask preferably black.

Date: Friday 13th February at 6:21 pm but I will pick you up at 6:00 o'clock at you house. Don't worry I know your address!

No need to hide your fangs everyone knows your a vampire. Be there the party can't go on without you!

Signed Aaron

Aaron the most popular boy in school invited me to a party no way. T(is had to be some kind a prank. Yeah this has to be a prank. What does he even mean without you! That's just weird and pretty creepy. Not to mention I have to wear a dress. No way am I going to wear a dress for a boy. And a mask. What was this boy thinking! And how did he know my address. Is he stalking me!

I sighed as I checked the date of the party I wasn't doing anything then I thought. Maybe I should go. It would be fun, right, yeah it would be fun. Maybe people would think I was fun and accept me. I could have fun for an evening. It would be so nice being around people and laughing and chatting.

I've changed my mind I am going I thought. This party is going to be epic.

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