Chapter III: Not so bad

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As I stepped into view of the mirror in my room. I saw myself in my black dress covered in silver moons and stars I was also wearing high heels holding my black mask laced with stars and moons. My earrings were dangling moons. My smoky coloured hair was flowing over my shoulders with two moon hair clips to get it out of my face. I smiled the me in the mirror smiled back. This was going to be fun I thought.

Partying with people all night feeling like I really do fit in. I could make friends and I wouldn't be alone. "Maddi," my dad called "someone is here to pick you up!" Who, WHAT! I thought but then I remembered he said on the invite he would pick me up. He wasn't kidding when he said he knew my address. I walked down the stairs and out of the house. Somehow I didn't wobble which is strange seeing as I never had worn high heels before. I opened the car door and got in. I was sitting next to Aaron.

He wasn't driving his dad was we were too young to get a driving licence let alone drive. The was shiny black and I put my seatbelt on. It had something engraved on it I couldn't tell what though. I traced my fingers around the engraved letters. Trying to figure out what it said.

OOEARNYSTAFUE those were the letters I got. I was very puzzled. Aaron must have saw that.

"What ya doing!" Aaron asked looking over at me.

"Nothing, why you ask?" I said laughing nervously

"Ok," Aaron said he knew I was lying. He didn't question it though. We sat in silence for the rest of the journey. Then eventually his dad said

"We are here."

I checked my watch 6:15 we were early. I opened the car door and got out. "Y'know I've always wondered why you wear black," Aaron asked.

"My mother died when I was 5, she was killed by hunters." "That's how most vampires are killed." I added.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I really do empathise," he said sounding sad. May he he wasn't as mean as I thought of him as. I started to think about my mother. Her smile, her eyes. I started to cry. He saw me and pulled me into a tight embrace. I sobbed into his shoulder and he let me.I started to think maybe I had misunderstood him. He was being really nice and kind. What did he meant by 'I empathise'.

"What do you mean by you empathise?" I asked "if you don't want to say tha-,"

"I lost my sister," he said

"Oh," I said "I'm so sorry," I hugged him tighter. We were both crying into each other shoulders.

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