The End?

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Hi guys

so yes that was The End....

Of book one! I am planning on writing a origins book. It will be a short book of origins of all the main characters who will be in the next book (yes I will be writing a sequel, I'm not leaving you people on a cliff hanger) and a few new characters. I can't wait to start writing it.! I really hope you enjoyed the book it was so fun to write and can't wait to start writing the next book. I also wanted to give a shoutout to user MegPlant09 as she asked me to write a book about someone called Madeline Grey and without her idea this book wouldn't have been written so thank you so much. Also a shoutout to Tennis787 and Midnight_Haze_Space who gave me amazing ideas and supported me throughout writing this book you guys are awesome. I can't wait to write the new book it will be awesome. Thanks for reading


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