Chapter IX: Another Body found!?

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Moon's POV

"There you are!" I said" Maddi was getting worried."

"Shut up," said Maddi, " Did you apologise to Stephanie?"

"I can't," Aaron replied.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Stephanie is dead," Aaron said.

Maddi fell to the ground and started to cry. "This Masquerade has turned into a blood bath, Everyone is dying." She rolled along the ground screaming "now i get what the seatbelt said,"

"What?" I said.

"In Aaron's car the seatbelt had letters on it OOEARNYSTAFUE now I get what they rearrange to make. The words YOU ARE NOT SAFE!" She explained "I never should have come to this party."

Tears were streaming down her cheeks. I came over to comfort her. Then a thought came into my head. "Hey Aaron, do you know where Lucia is?" I asked

"She went... home," Aaron said uncertainly.

"Mhm, Ok," I said. I could tell Maddi was suspicious of Aaron too. As she sat up and looked at him.

"Can I talk to you Aaron?" Maddi asked.

"Sure," he said.

I guessed she was going to confront him. I was worried for what would happen next.

Maddi's POV

I walked with Aaron to the other side of the hall. "Aaron why are you lying to me?" I asked.

"W-what," he stammered. I gave him a look.

"It's really obvious, you suck at lying," I said, "just tell me what is it." He stood there in silence. Tears trickled down my cheek. "You obviously don't trust me," I said starting to walk away.

"Wait, Maddi please!" He shouted after me "I love you," he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Obviously not enough to trust me, I just wanted to help," I said holding back tears. I ran off heartbroken. My own boyfriend didn't trust me. I started to cry and ran towards Moon. I was going to end up like my mother I thought.

History was repeating itself for the third time....

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