Chapter VII: I Love You

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We were sat at the table for a bit discussing our thoughts about who did it. Who killed Cassandra. It seemed to be going really well until a girl said "Well I heard her say to Aaron no one plans a murder out loud," everyone looked at me and I froze. Oh no I thought. I really regretted saying that. It was such a stupid thing to do. Now look where it got me, I stood up and ran to the toilets. I heard Aaron run after me. I got in a cubicle and locked the door.

"Open the door!" Aaron shouted. I sat there silently. Tears dripped down my face. "Maddi,"

"Goodbye," I said.

"Please don't do this Maddi," Aaron pleaded " I love you."

" I'm not going to end up like my mother, romance got her the wrong way" I said crying "you probably want to know why she died, I'll tell you the tale, this is how it starts...

——————————————Maddi's Flash Back————————————

"It wasn't me," A women screamed crying.

"Mama?" A younger version of Maddi said.

"It's ok honey, I'll be fine," the women said her smoky hair falling over her face as she kissed Maddi, "You go to daddy, ok mama will be fine,"

"Okie mama," Maddi said giving her mum a kiss on the cheek. As she walked away clutching a blue toy rabbit. As she walked away she could still here screaming but her mama said she was fine. Then she heard a bang and everything was silent. No more screaming no more noise. Just silence. She grew up, years went by but she never saw her mother again. She never will.

—————————————— End Of Flash Back————————————

"So yeah that's my story," I said tears streaming down my face my back pressed up agaInst the door. He was pressed up against the door on the other side. I could feel it."this is the story of how my sister died," Aaron said.

—————————————— Aaron's Flash Back————————————

"Big siswy," little Aaron said.

"Yes Aaron," an older girl said as she picked him up.

"Can we go to park?" Little Aaron asked.

"Sure we can, come on buddy let's go," she said putting Aaron down and holding his hand.

Aaron started to run and the girl chased after him. He started to run across a road. "Aaron watch out for the car!" the girl said with distress in her voice. Then she pushed Aaron out of the road. There was the screeching of brakes and then the thud as something fell to the ground.

"Siswy, siswy?" Aaron said "Are you ok?"

"Call an ambulance," I voice said.

"I already called they said their coming," another replied.

"It's ok little boy your sister will be fine," someone reassured him but you could hear the uncertainty in her voice.

——————————————End of Flash Back————————————

"She wasn't ok," Aaron said " She died two days later in hospital." I knew he was crying. I opened the door and came out and hugged him. "I will always be here for you," I told him.

"I will always love you," he said. I looked at him and he looked at me. We brought our faces close together and kissed. It was such an amazing feeling, love. We kissed again. "No one can know about this," I said "it would ruin your reputation."

"I don't care ," Aaron said " I love you," he kissed my cheek. I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"The others will be worried about you," I said.

"I'm sure they will be worried about you," Aaron said.

"Nah," I said.

"Me, Moon and Lucia worry about you," Aaron said.

"I know," I said "Now let's go," I said.

We walked hand in hand back to the main hall. "I was so worried about you two!" Moon said "you were gone for ages!"

"Wait," Lucia saw us holding hands,"Are you TOGETHER," I started to blush.

"That doesn't matter," Aaron said. "Are we any closer to finding out who killed Cassandra?"

"Well," Moon said "whoever did it was wearing gloves as there was no fingerprints, and also is a vampire,"

"What moon is trying to say is it is CLEARLY Maddi," Stephanie said.

"It is NOT MADDI," Aaron screamed "I trust her with my life."

"I'm sorry Aaron," Stephanie said "We could hook up if it makes you feel better,"

"No, I can't," Aaron replied.

"Why not?" Stephanie said.

"I'm no cheater," Aaron said.

"What?" Stephanie said.

"What Stephanie was trying to say before she got distracted," cut in a different girl, " was Maddi it's the murderer."

"WHY WOULD I DATE A MURDERER!" Aaron screamed. I looked over at sky and covered my ears and he looked across at me and came to give my a hug,"sorry," he murmured.

"It's ok," I said. Stephanie ran off in tears. I felt really bad I had stolen these peoples crushes. Broken their hearts. I had to fix this. I had to make things right.

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