24 - Water Trouble (2/2)

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Dream's Point of View

 We got in our kayak boats and started paddling. Nick and I decided to go the farthest since we are quite good at kayaking. Candice and Tubbo were following. As well as Wilbur and Tommy while Sam and Lia stayed to the low point since Sam was making a scene. We explored for a little bit. I and Nick sat on the kayak as it was the farthest we can go as said by Jane since if we go farther, we might get pulled by the current of the ocean. Nick decided to take a small swim to this depth and hop out while I guarded the boat. "The water feels nice here, but it is pretty deep.", Nick said. I saw Candice heading down as I watched her, worried that she might drown. I saw Tubbo helping her go down as Candice hang on the kayak boat. I know that she knows how to swim, but I promised mom that she would be safe. She lets go and started to float and swim towards Nick who was enjoying his time. I looked from afar to see Lia and Sam fighting. They were trying to push each other. I looked at Wilbur and Tommy who were cheering and watching. I saw Sam fall while Lia rolled her eyes. I knew for a fact that Sam cannot swim so I panicked. "Nick. Guard the boat will you?", I said and removed my now dried polo and swim towards Sam who is struggling to stay above water. She was sinking and I knew that I had to hurry. I went under and grabbed her hand before pulling her up. She wrapped a hand around my neck as I placed her back to the kayak. "What was that about Lia?", I asked. "I didn't know she can't swim! She looked like a fish out of water when literally in water, but has a mouth of a damn bee. Always buzzing bullshits.", Lia scoffed. "Just because I offended doesn't give you the right to kill me!", Sam growled. Nick went to us with the boat as I sighed. "How about this. Nick, can you stay with Lia? I'll stay with Sam for the time being.", I said. Nick nodded and brought Lia far away from us. I saw Sam looking sad. "What's wrong?", I asked. "Are you seriously asking me that? I almost died!", she screeched. "Bring your voice down! You may be older than me, but I can still order you to watch your damn tone. I know that. But I saved you. So can you calm down and stop making a damn scene?", I asked through gritted teeth. Sam stayed silent as I saw a tear leave her eyes. I instantly regret scolding her like that. 

 I pulled her back to the water. She panicked and grabbed onto the kayak. I grabbed her other hand as we swam back to the shore. "Here. If you can't reach the floor grab on to me okay? Do not let go.", I said. She nodded as we walked. I saw her tensed up as the water level hit her chest as her height was just 5'4. 2 inches shorter than Lia. Why was I comparing her to Lia? We walked deeper until I felt her wrap her arms around my neck. When the water is at my chest level, I stopped. "Now, I want you to move your feet and push yourself up with your arms. Let go of me, and if you cannot do it. I can grab you okay?", I asked. She nodded and did as I told her. I removed one of her hands as she looked at me with pure fear. "I got you, Sam. Just look at me.", I said as she stared at my green orbs. She let go of me and pushed herself up. "There you go. You're floating. Now try to swim towards me.", I said and moved a bit far away from her. She started to move to me when I saw her arm move wrong as she started sinking. I swam towards her and grabbed her by the arm. "You did well. So when I am far away, and you don't have anyone or anything to grab unto, do that. Okay?", I asked. She nodded and smiled at me. "Thank you.", she said with a smile. "You are welcome Sammy.", I winked at her as she laughed. I carried her back to the kayak as she paddled back to the shore. "I'll just go to the bathroom. Can you stay here for a while?", she asked. I nodded at her and carried the kayak to land for it not to get carried by the waves. I saw Jane leaving some life vest and asked for one for Sam. 

 Sam soon returned after a whole 20 minutes and smiled at me. "You actually stayed.", she said. "Why not?", I questioned. I gave her the life vest as she put it on. "Go ahead, I'll stay here for a while.", I said. She nodded and paddled towards Tommy and Wilbur who were playing IT. Tubbo and Candice were paddling in circles, laughing their head off as Lia and Nick were enjoying swimming on the deep part. I smiled in content that they were enjoying this. Just wait for the next day. It will be a lot more fun. 

 I went back inside the house and ordered some food for us. I heard someone outside as I checked who it was. Lia walked inside with a tired expression. "Done for the day?", I joked. "You wish. Just tired is all. I'll continue later. Whatcha ordering?", she asked. "Nothing special. Just some roasted pig, salad, and coke. Do you want Ice cream for dessert or some Fruit cocktail?", I asked. "Ice cream would be good, especially when it's hot here in Florida.", she replied. I nodded and started ordering it. We waited for the food to arrive and was said that it will be ready at 12:00 PM. The mini bar here will open at 7 PM so we decided to have our time there later this evening. Lia layed down on the couch outside and sighed. "This is a nice way to spend our last summer before school starts again on August 25.", she sighed. "Yeah, I guess.", I said. "Isn't Nick still having school?", she asked, looking at me. "Yeah, he has school, but it starts in 2 weeks. So he's enjoying this time as this is his last vacation.", I explained. "Come to think of it, isn't Mr. Beast near here in the US? He's California right?", Lia asked. "I don't know. I just know that he has that kind of heart that always tells us that Kindness is a feeling that can never overwhelm people, and You Only Live Once line.", I said. Lia laughed. "Wanna take a walk on the sand?", she asked. "Aren't you tired?", I asked. "Yes, but a simple walk won't drain me now would it?", she said. "Guess so. You go ahead, I'll wait for the food.", I said as she nodded and left. I sat down and checked my phone. I saw 2 miscalls from Drista. I wondered why she is calling me. I started calling her. After a few rings, she picked up. "Hey Dream!", she said. "Hey, Dris. How are you? Where's mom?", I said. "I'm fine and mom is getting lunch for us. How are you and when will you visit me?", she asked. "In a week Dris. I am quite busy today.", I said. "Okay then. Belated happy birthday!", she said. "Thanks! Take care of yourself okay?", I said. "Okay! Bye Dream! Mom's here.", she said. "Tell mom I said hi. Bye.", I hung up. 

 How anti-Climactic.

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