Chapter 7 - Flight

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Victoria carefully walked back into the building, tiptoeing the line between not further spreading the mess, and being inconspicuous. The consistency of her new deposit was far mushier than her previous one, and she could feel it with each step. Making her way up to the second floor she knew where the single occupancy handicap washroom was, and hoped that it was vacant. 

Her attempts to push the door open was met with resistance and she realized it was occupied. As she turned around to cut her losses, the door suddenly opened and a girl in a wheelchair came out. The girl looked at Victoria suspiciously, wondering why such a normal looking girl would use the handicap washroom, an annoyance that has always bothered her for most of her life. The stare lasted a good 3 seconds before the smell entered her nostrils, which prompted a look of sympathy from the girl followed by a "sorry, go ahead", before she went on with her day. 

Victoria rushed in and locked the door behind her. Placing her bag on the counter of the cleanest public washroom she had ever seen. With no eyes around to see her, she waddled freely around the room thinking of her cleanup plan, this was after all, not only her first time cleaning a messy diaper, but the also having to do so without a shower available. 

She started by first removing her hoodie and sweatpants to free herself of any loose baggy clothing that may get dirty, then she tied up her t-shirt, exposing her midriff. The bulk of her mess had weighed down her protective garment and shorts, now exposing the waistband of her Goodnites. Slowly she pulled down her shorts and panties to inspect them for any telltale signs of a blowout or staining, but she was clear. With both dangling on her knees, she turned around to inspect the status of her goodnight. Though noticeably bulkier and now obviously sagging considerably more without her tight panties and shorts to support them, her firmer movement wasn't wet enough to stain through. 

A sudden cramp reminded her that her stomach wasn't finished, but she had a dilemma. She knew her rear end was caked, and it would be near impossible to use the toilet without making an absolute mess of it. Taking note of her inventory and options, the only cleaning item available to her was the dispenser that likely contained the cheap one-ply toilet paper that plagues every public facility.

Figuring it as her only option, removed her shorts and panties and waddled her way to grab a large handful. She was able to pull a measly strip of flimsy toilet paper. Reaching in to grab more, she felt nothing. She tried again and still nothing. Inspecting the unit and banging it, she realized it was empty. 



Victoria was silent. She didn't know what to do, her options of cleaning up were out the window. She started to try and focus on what can be done. 



The statement filled her with guilt and she decided that her safest was to make it home for her cleanup. She grabbed her shorts and panties from the counter and pulled them back on, wincing as she felt them pull her mess up against her. Without the luxury of time she put on her sweatpants and sweater and grabbed her bag. She opened the door and was face to face with a middle aged lady accompanied with a young man about her age with telltale signs of special accommodation requirements. Around her neck was a badge with the school logo indicating her position as an attendant of sorts.

"Thank you, for being considerate!" The lady spoke with an obvious tone of sarcasm. "I saw you walking in earlier, this is a washroom for people with needs, the public washrooms for everyone else is on the other side." 

Victoria could only avert her gaze, feeling guilt at her misuse (or rather lack of) of the facility. She only wanted to walk away when another cramp hit her. Due to her guilt and feeling small by being berated by the lady, she was powerless to stop it as she noisily filled her pants with a third load. This time it was even softer than the last, with audible crackling and farts that were echoed by the washroom tiles. Realizing what had just happened, tears began to form in her eyes and she somehow mustered the strength to walk past the lady who was now speechless at what she just witnessed. 

After several steps she felt compelled to say something else so she stopped before turning around and stammering "Um th-th-there's no toilet paper left." before resuming her hasty exit. In the distance she could hear a singular "thanks" from the young guy. 

As she walked away she could feel the mess spreading increasingly. Moving towards the front and further up the back of her infantile garment. While her earlier inspection showed no signs of leaking or staining, she knew that her last lapse of control could have easily changed it. The rightness of her shorts and panties were a double edged sword that helped contain the mess, but also made it spread even more. With each step she could feel it spreading more, especially moving further and further up the back. Luckily the waistband of the Goodnites were high enough and tight enough to prevent any from escaping.... for now. 

Making it back to the apartment building Victoria was now faced with another dilemma. It's around noon and there are plenty of other students and residents out and about. There was a constant line of people near the elevator, and there is almost no way for her to get into one alone let alone stand in line without subjecting herself to potential stares. Her options were to either wait it out, or to climb 9 flights of stairs. Feeling the pressure and another wave of waste continue to build again, she opted for the stairs. 

Fortunately the stairs were empty with the exception of the odd few people on the first few floors and Victoria was able to safely make it to her door. The movements did however, contribute to the pressure building and she was desperate to go once again. She reached in her bag for her keys only to find it wasn't there. She knocked on the door and called out to Steph but got no response. She pulled out her phone to call her hoping she would pick up. 



Victoria then heard the sound of a door being unlocked down the hall. She began to panic. 



"Yeah man, so bananas, OJ, and coffee. Do we need eggs or bread?" said a familiar voice from the door being opened. 



Victoria began knocking again. She recognized the voice as Rick's and she did not want him to catch a glimpse of her in the hallway as the smell of her mess was filling the hallway with poor air circulation. She saw his back and he continued his conversation about groceries with his roommate when suddenly the door opened in front of her and she bolted in. 

Victoria immediately turned around and shut the door with both hands, leaning against it in relief. 

"Hey, sorry I was in the shower" Steph said as she made her way back towards the washroom draped only in a towel. 

"Vic?" she said turning around after not hearing a response. Victoria stood still with her hands against the door hunched over with her butt pointed towards the apartment panting heavily. Her panting stopped as for the fourth time that day, Victoria's bowels evacuated themselves against her will. Overflowing and leaking out of the Goodnites, all over herself and the entrance of their home. 

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