Chapter 18 - Sparks

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Victoria stood there uncontrollably wetting herself while staring at Rick. With the lights turned off the only source of light was the moon, the reflection of the moon in the puddle growing between her feet, and the occasional sparks from the busted transformer in the distance.  

Rick moved towards her "Vicky. I-"

"Don't" She started sobbing. "Don't come closer! Please!" She closed her eyes gripping her arms tightly.

She was unable to move her feet, nor was she able to cut her flow short in her inebriated state. Rick just stood there trying to find the words to say. He moved slowly, one step at a time until he was directly in front of her. 

He put his hands on her shoulders "Vicky- I- I don't know what to say, but- I not going to leave you hanging because of this. It's okay." 

"Your shoes... It's getting on your shoes" She saw the pee splashing off the puddle growing on the sand and onto his dress shoes. 

"Shoes get dirty all the time."

She wanted to laugh at his joke but couldn't. 

Unsure on how she's reacting to his approach Rick says "I want you to know this is okay with me, but if you want me to leave you alone I can." 

"No." she mumbled. "Please. Stay." Her body moved forward, leaning her head against him. 

They stayed in that position for a few minutes as she calmed down. 

"Are you okay to move?" She nodded her head in his arms. "Let's take a seat by the fountain."

Victoria's legs were wobbly from her embarrassment and the alcohol So Rick helped her to the edge of the fountain. They took a seat there and sat in silence. After several minutes Victoria tried to stand up but she was still feeling the alcohol and sat back down. 

"I'm not usually this- I don't- I-I've never been this drunk before. Sorry."

"It's okay. It's a warm night, and we have time." He placed one hand on one of hers.

She felt the warmth of his hand and scooted closer, not caring for the feeling of her wet shorts beneath her.  She did however, feel the wetness in her flats and heard the squelching when she moved her feet. 

"Here." Rick bent over and removed his sock and shoes and rolled up his pant legs to his knees. He reached for her flats "may I?"  

Victoria had no idea what he was doing, and was hesitant to let him touch her pee-drenched shoes but let him do so anyway. He turned himself around and dipped his feet in the fountain and submerged her shoes to rinse them off. He shook her shoes dry and placed it next to his. 

"Care to join me?" He said smiling. 

She spun around on her butt as he did, and kicked her feet in with a splash. 

"I had some issues growing up." Victoria started. 

"I wet the bed till I was 17..." She told the rest of her story like she did to Steph a week ago. 

Rick just listened to her with a few questions here and there. The streets were still dark with the exception of the moon and the sparks. After she finished that story, she moved on to the events of the past week, including the details about her first accident, the library, the Goodnites, messing herself at lecture, and wetting her Goodnite when she slept on his couch, and even the events earlier today with Steph and the exams. 

By this point she was able to stand on her own and started walking in the fountain. "I'm sorry. I know that was... a lot." The next words were hard for her to bring out, but she found the courage after having just told him about recent events, remembering Steph is there for her "and I understand if you don't want to see me anymo-" She stepped on a slippery tile and almost fell in but was able to find balance. 

"I had a great time tonight, and I haven't clicked with anyone this well since... ever" Rick stood up and joined her grabbing her arm and helping her navigate. "I'm still in if you are?"

"Only if you promise me you won't tell anyone anything about Steph?" Victoria said after realizing she shared some things she shouldn't have.  

"Lips are sealed." He motioned zipping his mouth closed closed. 

She reach up with one hand to unzip it and leaned in. 

Rick leaned in but stopped short "You're... drunk."

"No I'm not" She pulled him closer and sealed his lips with hers. Having the first kiss of her life at the age of 22 she felt sparks.

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