Chapter 12 - Alligator

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Victoria was woken up by the sounds of clattering pots. She sees a blurry figure in the kitchen who she assumed was Rick. 

"Whoops sorry Vic." 

The voice didn't belong to Rick. It sounded like Jason's but she wasn't sure. She reached into her bag and grabbed her glasses to confirm. However, she felt a familiar dampness down below when shifting positions, and froze in place. 

"Oh crap." she says out loud. 

"What's up? Everything okay?"

"Yeah. Um, just didn't know how late it was." She after realizing she wasn't speaking in her head. 

"Late? It's ONLY 7 on a Saturday. Live a little." Jason said chuckling. 

Victoria snuck one hand under the blanket to check the damage. She was relieved to find a lack of moisture on the cushions. However, when she moved her hands to her legs she remembered the Goodnite she had on. Carefully feeling her padding through her clothes she could tell that the protective underwear was full, on the edge of leaking. Careful not to cause any leaks she slowly turned her body its side in preparation of getting up. She could smell the faint scent of pee escape from the air trapped in the blanket. 

"What's with all the noise man? It's too early on a weekend for this." Rick came out of his room looking at Jason. 

"Sorry guys, I knocked over the stack of pots. My bad." Jason said as he bends down picking up the scattered kitchenware. 

"Morning Vic, sorry about Jason. You guys already know each other... Right?"

"Yeah. We go back a little." She says. 

Victoria met Jason in their first year. At the time he was Steph's high school sweetheart. The relationship took a turn when they realized they weren't quite as well suited for each other resulting in a mutual break up in their second year of university. Victoria didn't quite know how well Jason took it, but she remembered Steph was devastated despite the mutual nature of their decision. It wasn't until this year that they were able to be friends without too much baggage being involved. 

Victoria's phone rang and she saw that it was Steph. 

"Hey... Yup... Yeah I'm still here... Just got up actually... No no, I want my own bed... NO! geez stop it. I'll be right over. Thanks." 

"That was Steph." She tells Jason. "She's up now so I'm gonna head home. Thanks for letting me crash here." 

"You're welcome any time. Beats sleeping in the library couch" Jason responded. "Tell Steph I say hi."

"Will do." and with that Victoria stood up wary of squishing her soaked padding. She picked up the blanket with the intent of folding it when she saw something fall out. It was her denim skirt. Somehow during she must have taken it off in her sleep. It wasn't common, but it wouldn't be the first time she's found herself awake in odd positions, or with articles of clothes missing. Realizing that her cotton leggings would do close to nothing to hide the bulge from her soaked Goodnite she quickly turned around to face the guys and bend over to cover any telltale swelling. 

Luckily the guys were both busy in the kitchen and she grabbed her skirt and began to pull it on. Once the waistband met the butt of her padding she felt it squeeze it a little and she could feel some pee leak from the leg holes and it got absorbed into the thighs of her leggings. 

"Oh god okay, let's just get home. Clean up and get home." She repeats in her head as she finished folding the blanket and packing her bag. 

She grabs the pillow and walks towards the kitchen. "Should I just put it back on your bed?"

Rick turns around to see what she was talking about. "It's okay you can just leave it there. I'll bring it in later. Did you want breakfast? How do you take your eggs?"

"No it's okay, I told Steph I'd be home. I take it your door locks itself too? I can show myself out."

"Nonsense!" Jason chimes in. "Rick will walk you home." 

"Jason, you are aware that I live down the hall, right?" 

"Yeah, but it would be rude of us to make you do the walk of shame alone. You spent the night at a pseudo-stranger's house after all." He says motioning to the two of them. "Treat a lady right Rick. Walk her home." 

Victoria and Rick made brief eye contact before averting their gaze, but the moment was all they needed to tell that the other was annoyed and embarrassed, but complicit. Not out of agreement with Jason's "sound" logic, but because they knew he would keep the joke going if they didn't. 

Truth be told Victoria really wanted to walk alone. Her awareness of her leaky Goodnite made her extra attentive to herself. Every movement she could feel the saturation, the smallest crinkle or rustle felt extra loud, and she couldn't help but feel that she reeked of stale stench of urine. 

"God, he's so annoying. Sorry Vic..." 

"It's okay. I've gotten pretty used to him by this point. It is annoying but I know he's a good guy." 

"Yeah... was the couch okay?" 

"It was great. I slept like a baby." She says before realizing that in her desire to please she had just made fun of herself. 

"That's good. really good."

They arrived in front of her door and before Victoria could knock on her door Rick put his hand on her shoulder. 

 "Hey, I was thinking, maybe one of these days we could hang out or something." 

"I don't know, I'm gonna be pretty busy with cramming for the next few weeks...." Victoria was thinking of her goals and study schedule. Rick looked a little disappointed, but then she realized what his intentions were and said "But yeah. I'd love that." cringing internally at how she said love. "I should have time." 

"I mean, we could study together too, maybe?" 

"Yeah, that could work-"

At that moment the door swung open which startled Victoria.

"Hey, she's my study buddy. If you want to take her you gotta fight me for it buddy." Steph said in her humorous attempting to sound intimidating. 

"Hey, it's 2021, it's a free country and she's a free woman to do as she pleases." He retorts. 

the three shared a quick laugh before Victoria felt wetness spread on her thighs and legs. The little jump made her squeeze her legs more than she wanted, causing the Goodnite start to leak. She looked down and saw a dark patch settle in her leggings beneath the hem of her skirt.

Steph saw her movements at the corner of her eye and pulled Victoria into the apartment by the arm, putting herself between Victoria and Rick. 

"I really appreciate this Rick, but I really do need Victoria for something right now." 

"Oh sure, yeah. Anytime. Bye?" 

"Bye" Steph says with a smile and a wave. Victoria was too concerned about her situation to move or say anything. 

Rick turned around and made his way back towards his apartment. 

Realizing she didn't say bye, Victoria moved past Steph and stuck her head out the door and shouted "See you later!"

From the distance Rick turned his head and said. "Sure thing alligator!" 

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