Chapter 11 - Worth It

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Their study session was a success. Cramming out chapter after chapter, and sharing notes for a straight 4 hours with the occasional break to stretch their legs and use the washroom. 

Victoria felt the decision to wear the Goodnite was worth it since it allowed her to feel safe enough to hold for long periods of time and focus on the cramming. And Steph noticed her confidence and ability to cram like her old self as a sign that everything was back to normal. 

It was now 10 PM and the notes for their mutual lectures and subjects were done. 

"Hey I'm gonna try to cram the rest of my intersectionality paper for the next couple hours, is that cool?" Steph asked. 

"Yeah that's fine. I'm gonna work on some other stuff." Victoria replies pulling out her Psychology of Sex notes. 

"I'm still jealous you managed to get into that class. I'd ask if it's been good, but I already know the answer, and I don't need more FOMO." 

Steph puts her earbuds back in and dug into her paper. 


By midnight the library was slowly emptying out, especially on the fourth floor. Out of the corner of her eye Victoria sees Steph take off her earbuds, stretch, and yawn. 

"I think I'm done for the night. 6 hours is pretty good." Steph said looking at her phone. 

"Did you finish your paper?"

"Almost. Just gotta review and edit it with fresh eyes."

"Sounds good." 

"... are you staying?" 

"Yeah, I'm on a roll and I wanna make up for the... interruptions I've had yesterday and today. Speaking of which, can you look after my stuff before you head out? I really gotta go" 

"Yup, go, go. I'll be here." She says getting up from the chair to pack up her belongings. 

Victoria made it to the washroom with no obstacles and took a stall. While seated she looked at the Goodnite between her knees, noting its unsoiled state. Though at her age that should be normal, the events of the last two days had really bothered her confidence, and seeing the dry Goodnite was a boost that she needed. 

Finishing her deed, she stood up and waited until she flushed to pull up her Goodnite with the sound of the flushing toilet to mask any crinkling in case anyone else were inside. Her panties and leggings followed soon after. 

She washed her hands and checked her reflection in the mirror once again to check for any wardrobe malfunctions before heading back to her table. Steph stood there texting when she noticed Victoria. 

"Okay, I'm gonna head home first. Don't stay too late okay?"

"Will do. Text me when you're home?"



It was now 1:30 in the morning and she felt an increasing pressure in her bladder. Realizing the time, she decided to call it a night. 

"Almost 8 hours, not a bad session."

Removing her earbuds she noticed the lack of bodies on the floor. She was the only one and the silence was peaceful and eerie at the same time. While packing her stuff she could hear the silent crinkles of the Goodnite as she shifts and slides around her chair. 

"I hate to admit it, but that gamble was worth it. Thinking about her productivity. 

Packing up quickly she chugged the remainder of her large tea and water before heading off to the washroom to relieve herself one last time before walk home. Fortunately there was no closure or cleaning this time around. 

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