Chapter 9 - Bubbly

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"What do you mean?" Victoria says looking at her roommate puzzlingly. 

Steph stares back for a moment before averting her gaze and mumbling something Victoria can't quite hear. 

"Wait what?" Victoria had a suspicion but didn't want to assume. 

"I pooped my pants too..." she says quietly. 

"It was just so bad!" her voice went up " The basement level washroom had a huge lineup because someone clogged two of the toilets, and the first floor washroom was closed for cleaning. I was halfway to the next building when the cramps got so bad that I pooped myself. Bad. It was a lot and mushy and bubbly and noisy." 

Victoria was staring mouth agape. "Oh my god... did people notice?"

"No! I don't think so? I was wearing black sweats like you and they were pretty baggy. But it felt so gross and the smell was so rancid and it was starting to fall out of my panties and down my legs so I panicked and rushed home instead. That's when I texted you." 

Victoria walked to the couch to comfort her friend and hugged her from the side. "It's okay, something similar happened to me too, except. It happened in class."

Steph's eyes went wide "how did Strauss react? how did other other people react? holy crap that must've been bad!" 

"Surprisingly no one knew... well no one knew it was ME. Stauss couldn't smell anything from where he was and his narcism helped me out. God forbid anyone else gets more attention than he does at a given moment." 

Steph looked at her friend "you're taking this really well... I mean, I'm happy you're okay, but I thought that after yesterday you would've have been devastated after what I saw at the door."

"Yeah, it's weird... I feel surprisingly okay all things considered. If anything, I'm glad I had the Goodnite on? I mean it saved my butt. And I think I wasn't as scared because, well, because of you"

"Wait you knew I pooped?"

 "NO. I mean, last night you were a real friend to me. You didn't make fun of me or blackmail me, or grossed out." 

"Why would I do that to you silly? I'm your friend" Steph chimes in her bubbly demeanor hugging her back. 

Vic takes her time enjoying the embrace before speaking up. "So... I need to throw out the garbage and wash my clothes... again. Wanna throw in yours with mine?" 

Steph nodded as she hopped off the couch to her room to gather her belongings. While Victoria grabbed a couple plastic bags from under the sink. She placed her soiled clothes into one bag and uses the other to replace the now empty garbage bin. Shortly after Steph walks up to the door with her sweatpants rolled up in her hand and places it in the bag. 

Deciding to repeat their attempt at studying during laundry time, the two wore something slightly more presentable and grabbed their backpacks on their way out. dumping the garbage down the chute in the process. 


"So you're saying that for the first time in this semester, Strauss' ego was good for something?" Steph asked as they stepped into the laundry room. 

"Well, yeah. It stopped people from whispering. I was this close to having a meltdown." 

"Of all the classes I missed, it had to be the one where the most intolerable part of that guy served a decent function. Can't believe it!"  

"Hey, you might be okay with the price for it, but I definitely am NOT." 

They put their bags on one of the communal tables and walk together to the nearest vacant washing machine. Not wanting to touch their soiled garments, Victoria turned the bag upside down towards the opening. Most of the clothes went in with the exception of Steph's pants which hit the edge an unrolled itself, dropping what looked like a dirty rag on the ground. 

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