Chapter 23 - Gang

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Victoria stepped out of her room and into the living room right as Jason and Steph walked back in. Jason was dressed in black jeans, white tee, and beige bomber jacket.

"Oooh I've never seen that one before!" Steph said admiring the jacket. "I love it. I'm gonna get changed. You guys eat first." Steph said as she walked towards her room. 

"Thanks." Victoria said bashfully. 

Rick made his way to Victoria and grabbed her by the waist. "Who is that girl I see?~~" He said in an off-key sing song voice.

Victoria's eyes opened wide at the fact that he knew where the jacket came from. She leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Awww, look at you lovebirds. You guys feel free to keep making out since you cooked, I won't watch, but I am gonna start with some cleanup while we wait for dinner to finish cooking." Jason said as he started with cleaning the kitchen knives, bowls, and utensils used for cooking. 

Rick looked at the time. "It should be done in about 5 minutes, but we'll help you out. It'll make things easier on everyone when we gotta go." 

Like a well oiled machine, they made short work of the tasks set the table. Steph came out shortly wearing denim overalls and a white and navy plaid shirt, a yellow mustard beanie perched on her head. She draped the brown faux leather jacket on at hair. They took this as the cue to sit around the table. 

Dinner was quite fast and plenty of compliments were given to the cooks. And despite the amount of white shirts around the table, there were no stains to be had. Rick received a text and checked his phone. 

"That's Jordin. She's at the house party. shall we?" 

The group agreed collectively, packed the leftovers, and left the dishes in the sink to soak.

They left the building and Steph grabbed Victoria by the arm and walked ahead of the guys. "I had a pretty long talk with Jason earlier. Thanks for taking care of dinner." 

"Oh anytime. And yeah, Rick mentioned you guys were pretty deep in conversation earlier. You guys okay? I mean, you look okay." 

"Yeah! He wanted to talk about yesterday's stuff. He did a bit of research and apparently it's not a super uncommon thing." 

"What is? Wanting to wear-" Victoria paused to take a quick look around to make sure no one was in earshot. She leaned in to whisper "the Goodnites?" 

"Yeah, but not just Goodnites. But like, full on diapers and stuff." 

"I see... and?" 

"We're still unsure. Well I'm still unsure. I'm going to take it one day at a time, but he's okay as long as we don't inconvenience other people with it." 

"So are you... wearing?" Victoria took a quick glance at Steph's behind, but it was impossible to tell under her loose overalls. 

"Mmm, I don't know... am I?" Steph said jokingly. 

Victoria took her challenge and gave her a swat on the back. The lack of cushion told Victoria all she needed to know. Steph wasn't expecting this from Victoria at all and her eyes bulged out before chuckling.

"Hey! Hands of my girlfriend!" Jason shouted from behind. 

The two girls were now erupting in laughter. The laughter continued for a few more seconds before Victoria let out a sigh. 

"What's up?" 

"Oh, nothing. I'm just relieved and happy for you guys." She said looking off into the distance. 

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