Chapter 4 - Clean Slate

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Victoria stood in from of her mirror. having removed Rick's hoodie she looked at her appearance. her previously meticulous look now obviously disheveled, with sign of her having cried and her hair now messy. Her leggings showed little signs of an accident, but her cardigan was still heavy from being soaked with urine. 

She slowly walks towards the shower, feeling the squelching of her socks in her converses as stepped into the shower and begins to slowly undress as to not let her pee soaked clothes touch everything. 

-Knock knock-

"Hey, I'm coming in" Steph announces as she walks through the door. "Here's a bag for your clothes if you want." As she places a bag on the counter. She noticed Victoria in the shower "Are you okay? did you want help?"

"No... It's okay. I can handle this. Thanks" Victoria mumbles as she avoids eye contact.

The rest of her cleanup went smoothly, and after a long hot shower Victoria heads straight to her room to put on some dry clothes. After getting dressed in what she calls her "home clothes" she felt the dryness in her throat from all the crying and steps out to the kitchen to get a glass of water. 

"Hey... look Vicky, I'm sorry about earlier. I really should've been more attentive and I should've come back sooner, and it's my fault. I'm sorry"

Victoria turns her head towards Steph. She really wanted to avoid her out of shame, but something was telling her otherwise. "It's... It's not your fault" she says before taking her glass of water to her room and shutting the door. 

She chugs half the glass before placing it on her nightstand and crawling under her duvet. She grabs her Pooh and began running the fabric of his shirt between her fingers once again. 

-knock knock- 

"Vicky? Can I come in?" 

Victoria couldn't speak, she wanted to say no, but she words wouldn't leave her throat. Steph cracks the door open and makes her way to Victoria's bed. Sitting on the edge of the bed Steph places one hand on Victoria's shoulder.

"I want to say it's okay, and... accidents happen, but I know you're not okay. But I want you to know I'm here. I'm still here, and I don't think any less of you okay. Just let me know what I can do to help." 

Victoria was speechless but fidgeting from holding in her desire to bawl. 

Steph began to stand up "I'm gonna go... but just call or text me- "

"Don't go" 


Victoria surprised herself with these words. Having no idea where the sound and courage came from. But she knew she was happy when Steph stayed and held her from outside her covers as she quietly sobbed herself to sleep. 


"Victoria, hey Vic, you gotta get up." 

Victoria felt herself getting shaken by Steph. Slowly she opens her eyes dry from the crying. She was about to ask why when 

"Vicky you're wetting the bed" 

Victoria's eyes shot wide open and she bolts up. feeling herself still peeing she stops herself. She could not believe what just happened. 

"I'm- I- I-" she begins to stammer not knowing what to do or say. 

Steph moves her face in front of Victoria's "Hey are you okay? I think you stopped, but go finish up in the washroom okay?" 

Victoria could only nod as she gingerly walks towards the washroom. covering the seat of her shorts with her hands as if it could hide her accident. 

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