Chapter 1 - Can't Stop Won't Stop

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Victoria's on a roll. She's been going through her notes, the lecture slides, the textbook, at a better pace than usual. It's nearing the end of the first semester of her last year of her undergraduate program of university, and she figured out that she can make it to her desired master's program if she aces her exams. She's always been a great student, and a perfectionist at that, but the unfortunate realities of group projects have been the bane of her grades the past few years. As she digs into her solo study session, she lets the memories of the bad group projects fuel the anger that drove her to study harder. She knows it's not good to fester on hate, but for now it's giving her the fuel she needs to push through. 

"One more chapter, one more chapter. Then I'll call it a night." She whispers to herself. Not that she needed to. The university library is open 24/7 this time of year, and at 2AM it's her personal chamber of solitude on the 4th floor. As she takes a quick glance out the large glass window in front of her, she can see the other fellow night owls studying in the lower floors. Most of whom were in the group study rooms in the first floor. 

A need to pee draws her attention back to her current task at hand. "One more chapter. Can't stop, won't stop" she tells herself as she puts her nose back into her books. Victoria has a habit of refusing to do breaks when she's on a roll. Her one track mind and perfectionist tendencies tend to make for a great combination... most of the time. The slight pressure on her bladder had been present for quite a while. The bottle of water on her desk had long been emptied hours before (hydration is important), but she was determined to finish studying before she lets herself go. All these things were not new to her though. It's been her newly found rhythm in the past few weeks. The pressure, the anger, the music pumping through her earphone. She's in the zone, and her new mantra is can't stop, won't stop

Forty five minutes later and she is finished with her review of the chapter. Her meticulous note taking habits made these reviews quite efficient. She has always been a pen an paper type of gal, it translated better in her memory. The pages of her notebooks were covered in neatly printed notes of varying colored ink and highlighted information. But this also made modifying her notes quite difficult so she had made the study habit of retyping her notes in a similar manner, with newly added information in a new color. 

Admiring her own work she breathes a sigh of relief, only to be quickly called back to other need she's been neglecting. With no one around she grabs herself with one hand to help hold back the pressure, waiting until the wave of pressure subsides. She knows she can hold it at bay, at least until she reaches the washroom by the elevator. Once the wave subsides she quickly packs her belongings into her bag and shuffles towards her next goal. 

Turning the corner she sees something that makes her heart drop. 


Rolling her eyes in annoyance she decides to just use the toilets in the first floor. "It's not a big deal, I can hold it till I get down" she thinks to herself as she presses the button to call the elevator. While watching the lights move up from 1...2...3... she feels another wave take over this time with a small spurt of urine and once again she uses her hands to hold herself while hunched over. 


The door opens and she hobbles in, not wanting to delay her needs any longer. As the door closes she stand backs up, able to regain control over her body. without realizing she kept one hand between her legs. Not wanting to be caught in such an embarrassing pose she takes her hand away, feeling the wetness on her fingers. 

"This doesn't count." 

"I didn't pee myself." 

"It's just a little leak."

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