Chapter 14

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3 Months later...
Charlotte's P.O.V -

" It's been a while since the Roman incident, anyways I have gone back to my regular self although I haven't had anyone to talk to, I went back to my hometown in Charlotte, North Carolina to relive myself. My career has been going great so far in WWE and surprisingly I am now friends with Paige, we were friends before but we kinda of not seen each other for a while so we found a new way to redeem our relationship, but as I stated, haven't Seen Roman, Seth and the other 3 horsewomen since 3 months ago, on my way to the Wells Fargo Arena in Philidalpha for Raw " I wrote on my diary in the car.

I got to the arena and took out my bags but someone tapped my shoulder. I looked back and it was Paige.

" Hi, Paige " I said

" Hi Char " She said

" What are you up to? " I asked

" Nothing really, I talked to Vince and he allowed me to go back to using Twitch for my online streaming sessions " She said

" Cool, at least Vinne still has a heart " I said

" Lol, don't say that, he was not in the mood to talk this evening " She said

" Laughing my ass of " I said

" Hey Char!! " Ricochet said as he came towards us

" Hey Ricochet, I heard you have a match against Sheamus tonight " I said

" Yeah I do, I'm so tired of Rematch Awful Wrestling " Ricochet said

" You mean RAW " Paige said

" Lol, anyways guys, lemme go put my stuff, I have to put in my ring gear soon " I said

" Bye Char " Paige said

" See ya " Ricochet said

I was heading to my locker room until I heard a conversation between Seth and Becky, so I stopped walking and pretended as if I was waiting for someone while listening to them.

" Charlotte is someone else now, hey, I wonder how Roman is doing now? " Becky said

" Hmm I don't know, she doesn't really talk to anyone nowadays, does she even care that we were her friends? " Seth said

" Maybe and Roman needs to learn how to respect people, he is busy going around trying to get a girl, he is  lucky that he recovered from His arm and leg injury, I can't believe Charlotte shot him lmao " Becky said

" Anyways... " Seth said but Becky interrupted him

" Shhh, Charlotte is right there " Becky said as she whispered to Seth

" Oh, I didn't see, do you think she heard us? " Seth said

" I... I don't know " Becky said

Since they noticed that I next to them, I joined in on their conversation...

" Oh I heard ya... Busy gossiping about me behind my back, isn't that right Seth or should I say Colby? " I said

" We are sorry Charlotte, plus we didn't even say anything bad about you anyways " Becky said

" Nevermind that anyways, how are you guys? " I said while crossing my hands and closing my eyes

" We are good lol thanks for asking " Seth said

" Okay bye " I said walking away until Becky held my wrist to stop me

" Is that all you have to say? " She said

" What do you mean by that? " I said

" I mean, are you going to ignore the fact that we were the best of friends around here, we did almost everything together and you still have the odesity to walk away like we never met, how dare you? " She said

" Becky what are you?? " Seth asked

" Shut up Seth, I will... " I was saying until Becky interrupted me

" Why are you like this? You are acting like someone different and ignoring me won't fix anything " She said

" We haven't talked in 4 months and you are here trying to blame me? Have you forgotten Roman is responsible for this, I can't believe I slept with him " I said

" Still... We can't just keep walking past each other all time pretending as if we don't know each other, you seem like you don't think of us or care of us, why do you have to act like a real queen?? Just because you are Ric's daughter doesn't mean ypu should act like a Flair, you are your own women unless you are gonna be a Ric Flair wannabe " Becky said in tears while grabbing my wrist tighter

I let go of her and said...

" How dare you insult me? First you were talking about me behind my back, then you had the odesity to judge me for my actions and you have no idea what I'm going threw, I have tried my best to stay calm and you are trying to snap me out of it, why can't you just leave me alone!!! " I said as tears dropped from my eyes

" I won't let go of you because I still want us to be back together again, why can't you just understand my point of view, snap of it Charlotte, it's simple! " Becky screamed

" Shut up! Shut up okay, you are making me late and I have to go " I said

" What matters more? Having the same awful matches on Raw or the people you care about the most? " Becky said

" Who said I care?!! " I screamed

Becky looked away, tied her hair and said...

" You don't deserve to be with anymore " She said and ran away in tears afterwards

" Charlotte! What the heck! " Seth said as he went with her

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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