Chapter 6

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Roman's POV - It's been a great week with Charlotte but now I won't be able to be with Char for a long time. We got separated to different brands and we haven't been talking to each other lately. It's a good thing WWE is letting Me, Char, Seth, Becky, Dean and Sasha to go on a vacation for 2 weeks, that way I will be able to connect with Char and the rest one last time. I got a phone call from Dean

Phone Call:
" Yo Roman, ready for the trip " Dean says

" Yeah, I already did everything. Packed my clothes, booked the tickets and rearrange the transport money " Roman says.

" I don't understand 80% of what you said but it sounds good, all of us are waiting for you at the parking lot man " Dean says.

" Okay, I will be on my way " Roman says.

Phone Call over...

Roman's POV - I ran down to the parking lot and found everyone organising everything in the boot.

" Hey guys, who's driving " Roman asks

" Dean is right " Sasha says

" Why me, I wanna relax on bed of the bus " Dean says

" Dean, your old, use proper words. " Seth says.

" I will drive " Finn says from behind as everyone screaming.

" Where you come from " Becky says

" Well, I and Bayley have not hangout with you guys for a long time so I will drive if there's enough space for us " Finn says

" There's plenty " Roman says

" What are you doing? " Sasha says

" What I can, there's enough space, money, food and transport for all of us " Roman says

" Fine🙄 " Dean, Sasha and Becky says all at the same time grumpy.

" Yes " Bayley shouts with a smile on her face.

" But just one thing, where's Char " Finn says

" Yea, where is she " Becky says.

" You guys don't know 😄😄😄 " Dean says

" Yess😦 " Everyone shouts

" Oh, she was hit by car this morning. It was on the news " Dean says

" Com'mon " Seth says

" Dean watches the news " Becky says

Everyone shouts and all talk at the same time.

" Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, wow Jesus stop!!!!!! " Roman shouts while banging the bus door over and over again.

Everyone stops.

" What's wrong Roman " Sasha asks

" This is not how I wanted this to go, F*** I'm out of here " Roman says.

" Yeah, whatever, we never liked you anyways Roman " Dean says

" Yeah, whatever he said " Seth says

" Seriously " Finn, Bayley, Sasha and Becky says to Dean and Seth.

" Roman wait " Finn says.

Roman never responded and walked away.

Well, that's all I could think about. Hope ya like it.😄😄😄

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