Chapter 2

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Roman game back to the hotel room and found Charlotte on the couch.

" Charlotte, what did I say? " Roman says.

" You said Nothin really " Char says

" Okay, wanna take drink some shots " Roman asks

" What no, you little! " Char says as she gets of the couch and runs after Roman with a pillow. Roman dives himself on the couch.

" You see, couch is mine now and that's finale. " Roman says while smiling.

" So, are we taking those shots " Char asks

" Hell yeah " Roman said as he gets of the couch to the table.

Char pours a little in a glass.

" 3,2,1, go " They said at the same time as they drank.

" Want more " Roman asks

" Yep " Char answers

They took some couple of shots and got drunk.

" Hey Char " Roman asks

" What? " Char answers

" Come here " Roman said.

Char goes to Roman as Roman pulls her close to him. Roman kissed Char. Char was surprised as Roman slide he's tongue in Char's mouth. Char kisses Roman too. Char pushes Roman on the bed as she climbs on top of Roman. They kissed again as they began undressing each other.
Then you know what happens:

Then you know what happens:

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Next day...
Roman wakes up and checks the time. It was 10:25 pm in the morning. He looks on the side other side and sees Char.

" What happened last night " Roman asks himself.

Someone knocks on the door. Roman puts on he's cloths and opened. It's Dean and Seth.

" Oh hey, guys " Roman said.

" Dude, what happened last night " Seth asked

" I know, he banged Char hard, hahahahaha!!! " Dean said as he laughs.

" Wait what " Roman said

" Yeah man, I heard moans and the wall being hit many times " Dean said.

" Dean! " Roman and Seth say at the same time.

" Dude, I arn't lying " Dean says.

" I don't even know happened. I remember Char running after me with pillow " Roman says.

" Hmm, I will give you some time to re-think. " Dean says.

" Hey you actually say something smart for ones, good for you " Roman said.

" Bye man " Seth and Dean said.

Roman go takes a shower and makes breakfast lunch for Char. He left a note on the table and went to the arena.

Author - well that's all for now forks. I will update later today. I know this chapter was boring but I hope you liked it. Byee! 🤜🤜Peace✌️

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