Chapter 13

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Next day...

" Roman Reigns!!! " Charlotte said as she pointed a gun at Roman with bandeges on her ribs and left arm.

" Charlotte?!!! " Roman said shocked

" I know you are the cause of those thugs isn't it, you did it for revenge, Andrade told me everything Roman and now it's time for me to end you, you wanted to kill, to take my life, you wnted me to die helpless on the streets, is this how you want my legacy to be represended? You motherfucking trader" Charlotte said

" I didn't do anything, your lying and you killed them for sure " Roman said

" I didn't kill them, I was attacked and that's why I'm on a strecher " Charlotte said

" Let me kill you now " Roman said as he ran towards Charlotte

* Charlotte points the gun again onhis head *

" Hahaha, you think that your little threats are going to scare me? Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte... You are so soft and weak, you wouldn't even kill a mouse, what disrespect you have for pointing that little toy on my head, uh Charlotte, what point are you trying to proof, you wanna be known as Charlotte, the daughter of Ric Flair who was filled with lonely amd sadness... She lost her child and became a murderer, lol, kill me if you want, but I won't be the one suffering... You will be, just like your dead brother that's in hell " Roman Said while he laughed

*Charlotte starts to cry*

" For many months now... I thought you were the one I loved, trusted, supported and cared about, little did I know that I being cheated by my feelings with falling in love with you, you are right, I will not kill you... But I am going to make you feel the pain that I am feeling right now dammit, my head, my neck, my body, you used me so that you can touch me because all you cared about was sex, now I will have to regret that for the rest of my life, but that's fine, because I won't see the one feeling pain after this, because I will make you scream ur voice out... You will bleed and scream for help, cry with the crocodile tears you caery inside you, I might have ruined my repuation, but at least I have killed an imbesile like you after all!! " Charlotte Shouted

" What could you possibly... " Roman Said before Charlotte eventually shooting him on his foot

" That hurt huh? Hmm still doesn't stand for the pain you have caused me Roman " Charlotte Said and shot him on his hand

" Aaaahhh! " Roman screamed

" It's over, Joe Leake! " Charlotte said as she was about to shoot her head, a car randomly stopped and to her surprise, it was Andrade, he ran out and kicked Charlotte's hand where the gun was being held and dragged Charlotte into his car

" The fuck? What are you? " She said as Andrade interrupted her

" No time... The police are coming... Why are you so stupid, can't you see that there are CCTV cameras everywhere, now you have to go and hide " Andrade said as he put her in his car

" Charlotte!!! How dare you! " Roman screamed as he fell on his knees to the floor

*Andrade drove away fast and drove out of Florida into the state of Atlanta*

5 hours later...

Andrade and Flair made it to Georgia

" Huh? We drove from 9am to 15pm just to come to Georgia, what am I going to do here?? " Char Said

" Do you want to spend half your life in jail or do you wanna come and sit here and enjoy our lifes with me? " Andrade said

" What? What are about my job? " Char said

" We can go wrestle in Mexico, Impact or even AEW... We don't need Vincent and the WWE " Andrade said

" Well fuck this am out of here " Char said asnhe got out of the car

" Stop it! Why are you doing this... You are changing and becoming a monster, why can't you just be back to Normal Charlotte?? " Andrade said as he got out of the car to stop Charlotte

" Normal Charlotte? " Char asks

" Yes, the one that used to sing backstage, the kind and trustworthy Charlotte we all knew, what happened to her? " Andrade said

" So I am no more untrustable is what you are saying? " Char Said

" It's not like that, just stop being arigant and stubborn, I am trying to save you, and you are trying to choose the wrong path, this is not the Charlotte I know " Andrade said

" Would you shut up!! What is it with you people?? Why do I always have to be the one to be blamed for? This is my life, you are not my dad, don't tell what to do dammit, I have worked hard for more than a decade to become the famous star that I am and you are trying to take that away from me, yes I thank you for stopping me from trying to kill Roman but still... What benefit is that going to give me? " Char said as tears rain down from her eyes

" What? " Andrade Asked

" Oh shut up, you know exactly what I mean, I can't be the one to be always bwing protected, and you must know that... Sometimes in life, you have to fight to get your point across, and hiding in the shadow will just make me feel like a coward and I don't want to be that, I will keep fighting, I will keep being sttong and boucing back, that's the Charlotte Flair I am right now " Char said

" Then go back to your normal self!! " Andrade shouted

" No! I said don't tell me what to do please, leave me alone, I am going back to Florida, don't call, text or try to stop me because whatever I do next, I won't be responsible for my actions, I had finally snapped and now I see the truth, you won't understand so back off " Char said as she walked away afterwards

" Charlotte " Andrade Said in a low voice

To be continued...

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