Chapter 3

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2 hours later...
Char made it to the arena after she saw the note Roman gave her. She saw Becky and Paige by the locker room door.

" Hey guys, what are you doing here " Char asked.

" Wait for you " Paige and Becky said at the same time.

" Jinks Becky " Paige said.

" Seriously " Becky said. Paige hit her shoulder.

" No talking during jinks " Paige said.

" So are, why were you waiting for me. " Char asked then she got interrupted by Roman's daughter JoJo.

" Hello mama " JoJo says.

" Hey cutie, what's your name " Char said with a huge smile on her face.

" It's JoJo " JoJo said.

" Well that's enough, nice to meet lady " Galina said.

" Nice to meet you too " Char says as Galina goes to the catering.

" Um... Char, I think she called you mama " Paige said laughing.

" Whatever Paige " Char says.

Paige gets In the women's locker room along with Becky. Char sees Roman coming.

" Hey Roman, you won't believe what JoJo called me " Char said.

" What? " Roman asked.

" She called me mama " Char says.

" Wait what, your joking right " Roman said.

" Nope, she came to me and said mama " Char says.

" She properly called you that because she hasn't seen her mother in a long time " Roman says.

" Yeah, your right " Char says.

JoJo comes running to Roman and hugs him.

" Hey babygirl " Roman says.

" Hey papa, hello mama " JoJo says to Roman and Char.

" Want to go get some Ice cream " Char asks.

" Yess! " JoJo shouts.

" What did you call her " Galina asks out of nowhere. She was mad.

" I said mama " JoJo says.

" No, I'm mama " Galina says.

" Don't confuse the child " Char says.

" Not you again " Galina says.

" Just let them go honey " Roman says.

" She's not going anywhere " Galina says.

" Hha, JoJo, where did all this bruises come from " Char says.

" Her " JoJo says pointing at Galina.

" You hit her " Roman and Char shouts at the same time.

" no I didn't, she fell " Galina says.

" JoJo doesn't lie " Roman shouts.

" Yess, I don't " JoJo says as Galina slaps her.

" Your not going anywhere do you understand " Galina shouts to JoJo.

Char slaps Galina.

" What's wrong with you " Roman shouts to Galina.

" It's fine, let them go buy Ice cream but don't come running to me for help, we're done " Galina says.

Galina runs to the car.

" Babe, wait " Roman says as he runs after Galina.

" Don't worry cutie " Char says as she picks up a crying JoJo on her shoulders.

Char and JoJo went to go get ice cream.

" Babe wait, I'm sorry " Roman says.

Galina ignores him as she drives away . Roman goes to his car and sees a note.

I know your angry and sad at me. If you want some alone time, I will take care of JoJo tonight and take her to you tomorrow morning. By Charlotte 💝

Roman goes to the shield locker room and sits on the couch trying to re-think everything.

Author - well that's all for now everyone. I will update later on today or tomorrow. Byee! Hope you like to chapter 💝.

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