Chapter 12

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Charlotte was heading to Roman's house from the party Sasha has. As she was walking by, Roman's thugs popped out of nowhere.

" Hi there my queen " The thug said

" Sorry my queen for pooping you around " The other thug said as she pushed Char on the floor.

" Please no!!! " Charlotte screams

" Are you trying to get us in trouble, we are just trying to have fun, man, why are women so ignorant " The thug said

" Bro, I think we should have more than fun, let's just slay her to death " The other thug said

" Yeah good choice " The thug said

*Charlotte starts to shakes her head*

" What's that, you don't want to be killed? " The thug said

*Charlotte shaked her head again*

" Okay let's not harm her... Let's make her suffer " The thug said as he kicked Charlotte's rib

*Charlotte screams in pain and fear*

The thugs continue to kick her front body repeatedly as Charlotte began of bleed out of her mouth

" Ahhhhggrhh " Charlotte screams

The other thug took a thick hard stick on the side of the rope and hit Charlotte's head with it twice.

Charlotte is knocked out and is no more showing any movement

" Bro you might have killed her with that dangerous weapon, check her blood flow on her neck and hand " The other thug said

*They checked Charlotte's neck and hand vain*

" Thank goodness she's alive, let's leave before we get caught " The thug said

They we're about to leave as someone shot both of them on the head.

The thugs fell and died with a bloody mess.

The person who shot them came out and it was Andrade. He buried those dead thugs in the woods and carried Charlotte to the hospital.

" Oh no, please check on her " Andrade said

*The medics took her to the hospital room and started asking Andrade questions*

" How did these happen? " The doctor said

" Some thugs attacked her on street 5th, Pensacola, Florida of the west side, Lucky I arrived as they were about to run away " Andrade said

" Then what happened after you caught them? " The doctor said

" Well um... They are... I did catch them but they ran away " Andrade said with fear on his face.

" Hmm... Oh okay, we will get test results by tomorrow " The doctors said

" Okay " Andrade said

Roman's P.O.V - I was waiting for this 2 thugs to arrive after 2 hours.

" Where are they? Let me call them " I said to myself as I called them but no one answered

I waited for another past 1 hour and they yet didn't make it so I called them again and no one answered.

I drove off to the street where they were supposed to catch Charlotte and I saw police and medics blocking the road and said those two thugs dead on a tray to be taken out. I was shocked and I immediately went off home.

" Those fools!!! " I shouted

" How did they even get killed?!!! " I shouted as I asked myself

" It's Charlotte, she's probably the one who killed them, Charlotte has committed a murderer " I said

" It's time to expose her and she will be saviorly punished for sure no doubt " I said

To be continued...

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